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v1.0 可编辑可修改 人教版英语八年级上册 Unit3 I’m more outgoing than my sister 教材全解 【教材内容解析】 Section A 1. Both Sam and Tom can play the drums, but Sam plays them better than Tom. P. 17 both...and...意为“两者都”,并列两个主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。 Both Tom and Jim are interested in Math. 2. Tara works as hard as Tina. P. 18 as...as...意为“和一样”,两个as中间用形容词或者副词原级。 He is as tall as his father. I run as fast as he. 【拓展】not as...as...意为“不如,比不上”第一个as是副词,在否定句中可以换成so。 She doesnt study as/so hard as her brother. Lucy is not as/so easygoing as Lily. 3. Oh, which one was LisaP. 18 which表示“哪一个”,表示在一定数量中进行选择;what用于选择范围较大或者不明确时,表示选择人或物的种类。 There are some books in the box. Which one is yours What is in the box 4. You can tell that Lisa really wanted to win, though. P. 18 1 win表示“赢得”后接比赛、奖项等表示物的名词作宾语;beat表示“打败”,后接某人、团队等表示人的名词作宾语。 They finally beat the other side and won the basketball match. Who won the first prize in the singing contest. 2 这里的though作副词,表示“可是、然而”,放在句末,前用都好隔开。 Jim said that he would come. He didn’t, though. 5. But the most important thing is to learn something new and have fun. P. 18 1 此处动词不定式作表语,放在be动词后面。 My work is to clean the room every day. His dream is to be a teacher. 2 have fun意为“玩得高兴”,后接动名词。 Did you have fun visiting that country Section B 1. ...is talented in music. P. 20 talented作形容词,表示“有才能的、有天赋的”,be talented in表示“在方面有天赋”。 Li Yundi is talented in swimming. 2. ...truly cares about me. P. 20 care about意为“关心、在意”。 Thy cared about their uncle a lot. 3. ...makes me laugh. P. 20 1 make sb. do sth.“使某人做某事”;make sb./sth.形容词 “使某人/某物怎么样” His parents made him stay at home. The news made us excited. 2 laugh表示“笑、发笑”,laugh at表示“嘲笑”。 Don’t laugh at others. 4. serious P. 20 此处serious表示“严肃的、稳重的”,另外serious还可以表示“严重的、认真的”,be serious about意为“对认真”。 Is she serious about giving up her job 5. That’s why I like reading books and I study harder in class. P. 21 That’s why...意为“那是为什么”,强调结果;that’s because表示“那是因为”,强调原因。 That’s why I didn’t want to leave here. That’s because he is not old enough. 6. I’m shy so it’s not easy for me to make friends. P. 21 1本句结构为“It’sadj.for sb.to do sth.”结构,意为“做某事对某人来说”,此结构中的形容词多为描述事物特征的词,如easy, important, dangerous, necessary等。 It is important for you to study hard. It is not easy to learn a foreign language. 【拓展】It’sadj.of sb.to do sth.意为“某人做某事是的”,此结构中的形容词多是kind, nice, right, wrong, clever, foolish,polite等描述行为者性格、品质的词。 It is very kind of you to lend me so much money. 2 make friends表示“交朋友”,后常接介词with,表示“和某人交朋友”。 He likes making friends with others. 7. ...you don’t need a lot of them as long as they’re good. P. 21 as long as意为“只要”,引导条件状语从句,从句用一般现在时表示将来。 You will get good grades as long as you work hard. 8. My best friend Larry is quite different from me. P. 21 be different from意为“与不同”,反义词是the same as“和相同”。 The car is different from that one. This bag is the same as that one. 9. However, Larry often helps to bring out the best in me. P. 21


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