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2017届毕业论文 耒阳迪恩服装城消防平安现状分析及改进 院 、 部 平安与环境工程学院 学生姓名 指导老师 职称 专 业 平安工程 班 级 完成时间 摘 要 伴随着这些年社会的发展,人们的生活需求也随之有所提高,大批功能多样的大型商场不断崛起,解决了成千上万顾客生活上的需求,但是,由于某些因素导致很多大型商场消防平安并不达标,平安隐患的未消退对人民群众的平安造成很大的威逼,因此,检测改进大型商场消防平安,刚好实行有力的改进措施,削减商场火灾的损失是具有重大的意义。 文章是对耒阳迪恩服饰城的消防平安现状与管理存在的问题为对象,重点从灭火器配置、消防栓系统、火灾自动报警系统、自动喷淋灭火系统、平安疏散、和消防平安管理等设计进行现状分析,首先对耒阳迪恩服饰城消防设施配置数量以及客流量进行调查,并取得对应的实际数据,其次查阅相关国家消防标准,进行灭火器、消防栓合理分布、水利计算、疏散总人数和疏散人流宽度以及一系列公式进行计算,参照国家对消防设施配置的相关规定,分析计算结果,给出改进后的消防设施布置方案,完善管理制度以预防火灾的发生,降低财产的损失和削减人员伤亡。 关键词服装城;平安意识;灭火器;消火栓;改进建议 ABSTRACT Along with the development of the society, peoples living demand has been improved, a large number of large-scale shopping malls continue to rise, solve thousands of customers needs, but, due to some factors, the fire safety of many large-scale shopping malls is not met, the safety of the people is not eliminated, the safety of the people is a great threat, therefore, detection to improve the fire safety of large-scale shopping malls, take timely and effective measures to reduce the loss of shopping malls is of great significance. This paper is the fire safety situation and management problems of Dean clothing city, focusing on the fire extinguisher distribution, fire hydrant system, fire automatic alarm system, automatic spray fire extinguishing system, safe evacuation, and fire safety management design.First, the number of fire facilities in Leiyang city and passenger flow is investigated, and the corresponding actual data are obtained. secondly, the relevant national fire protection standards, fire extinguisher, fire hydrant rational distribution, water conservancy calculation, evacuation total number and evacuation flow width and a series of ula are calculated. according to the relevant provisions of national fire facilities configuration, the improved fire protection facilities layout scheme is given, and the management system is improved to prevent the occurrence of fire, reduce the loss of property and reduce casualties. Key words clothing city, fire safety consciousness, fire extinguisher , fire hydrant, improving advise 目 录 1 前言1 2 迪恩服装城概况2 2.1 迪恩服装城简介2 2.2 迪恩服饰城平面布局2 2.3 建筑耐火等级3 3 迪恩服装城火灾危急性分析4 3.2 火灾特点4 3.3 火灾类别4 3.1 火灾缘由分析5 4 迪恩服装城消防平安现状分析7 4.1 迪恩服装城工作人员平安意识调查7 4.2 防火分区现状分析7 4.3 服装城火灾疏散现状分析8 4.3.1 服装城平安疏散现状8 4.3.2 疏散平安出口宽度9 4.4 迪恩服装城灭火器配置分析11 4.4.1 迪恩服装城的灭火器配置现状11 4.4.2 计算单元与爱护面积11 4.4.3 计算单元须要配置的最低灭火级别11 4.4.4 计算每个灭火器设置点的需配灭火级别12 4.4.5 每个灭火器配置的确定13 4.4.6 验算13 4.5 迪恩服装城消防栓灭火系统分析14 4.5.1 消防栓型号选择14 4.5.2 消防栓布置和计算爱护范围14 4.5.3 消防栓水利计算16 4.5.4 消防栓现状问题19 4.6 自动喷水灭火系统分析20 4.6.1 喷头的布置与管网分布20 4.6.2 水力计算22 4.7 迪恩服装城火灾报警系统现状分析29 4.7.1 手动报警装置29 4.7.2 火灾探测器的配置29 4.8 迪恩服装城消防管理现状分析33 5 迪恩服装城消防平安的改进35 5.1 灭火器配置改进35 5.2 消防栓配置改进36 5.3 自动喷水灭火系统改进36 5.4 火灾自动报警系统


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