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毕业论文 我国国有企业人力资源管理探讨 系 别 商贸系 专 业 市场营销 班 级 30509 姓 名 吴宏东 指导老师 彭艳东 2009年6月15日 东北高校秦皇岛分校毕业设计(论文) 第 48 页 我国国有企业人力资源管理探讨 摘 要 人力资源是社会发展的动力,是社会的第一资源。人力资源管理是现代企业管理中的一项重要内容,它是继传统的人事管理之后的一种新型的管理理论和管理制度。国有企业是国民经济的重要组成部分,是我国国民经济收入的主要来源。国有企业改革之路已走了二十余载,效益和实力有了相当大的提高。在确定国有企业改革取得的成果的同时,我们也应当看到,我们的国有企业在管理上还存在很多问题,尤其表现在人力资源管理方面,与现代企业管理仍有很大差距。 本文的探讨对象是国有企业人力资源管理,共分为五大部分,第一部分说明白选题的缘由、背景及其意义,指出了本文的探讨方法,分析了国内外对人力资源管理的探讨现状;其次部分对人力资源及人力资源管理做了概述,具体分析了传统人事管理与现代人力资源管理的区分,并提出了人力资源管理的新发展;第三部分介绍了国有企业对国民经济的巨大作用及其当前人力资源管理中存在的问题,并进行了具体的分析;第四部分对症下药,针对存在的问题并借鉴国内外的成功案例及理论,提出了国有企业人力资源管理的改革措施;第五部分具体分析了海尔公司在实施人力资源管理中的成功阅历,对海尔公司的人力资源管理理念、培训体系、绩效考核体系、激励机制、用人机制及人力资源管理文化进行了具体的分析论述,为前面第四部分提出的理论改革措施供应了实证依据。 关键字人力资源管理;国有企业;海尔公司 The Research of Human Resources Management to Our State-owned Enterprises AuthorWu Hongdong TutorPeng Yandong Abstract As we all know, human resource, which is the first important resource, it is the motive force of the development of the society. Human resources management plays an essential role in the modern enterprise management and present a completely new management theory and management system different from the traditional personnel management. State-owned enterprises are an important part of national economy and the main origin of national economic income. Since China reed and opened up to the outside world, over twenty years has passed, and the history of state-owned enterprises re has more than one decade. Via taking a series of measures, such as contract system, factory director responsibility system, modern enterprise system, state-owned assets authorized management and so on, the distribution and property right mechanism of state-owned enterprises has been reed, and their perances and strengths have been largely improved. Although State-owned enterprise’s re obtain successfully breakthrough, we should have cognizance of subsistent problem, especially on human resource management. We still have very long road to take toward modern company system. This paper is to research human resources management of our state-owned enterprises, which is divided into five parts. First of all, it explains why choose the subject, background and significance, points out the papers ology and analyses the current situation both at home and abroad for human resources management; Then it makes a summary to human resources and human resources management, analyses specifically the distinction between traditional personnel management and modern human resources management, and proposed a new trend of human resources management; The third part tells us that the state-owned enterprises play a tremendous role on the national economy and analyses problems in current human resource m


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