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分类号 密级 含 分 布 式 电 源 的 配 电 网 保 护 研 究 U D C 编号 学 位 论 文 含分布式电源的配电网爱护探讨 III 英文 摘 要 随着分布式发电技术的探讨和应用,分布式发电已成为将来电力系统的发展趋势之一,但是分布式发电系统接入配电网后,将会给电网带来一些新的技术难题。由于目前的配电网爱护系统是依据传统的单电源、辐射式结构设计的,分布式电源的接入将使得配电系统变为双端或多端有源网络,原有的配电系统爱护必需进行相应的调整和变更。 文章首先对分布式发电的概念、分类、并网方式以及目前探讨和发展的现状进行了梳理。建立了双馈风力发电机数学模型,通过MATLAB/SIMULINK软件平台搭建了以风电机组作为分布式电源的仿真模型,针对线路接入分布式电源前后和不同故障性质的状况进行了仿真,对仿真结果进行了理论分析,为风电场并网探讨打下了基础。针对分布式电源接入配电网后对馈线各处爱护以及自动重合闸的影响进行了探讨,并进行了仿真验证。 依据含DG配电系统故障时的特点,提出了在线自适应整定爱护算法,并进行了仿真分析,结果表明,在线自适应整定爱护算法能够依据系统当前运行方式和DG的出力状况自适应地调整整定值。在此基础上,提出了分布式发电系统下继电爱护的配置方案,为将来电网中考虑分布式发电的继电爱护配置工作供应了一些参考。最终,综合全文进行总结,指出探讨中有待解决的问题及进一步探讨的方向。 关键词配电网 分布式电源 风力发电 重合闸 在线自适应整定爱护 ABSTRACT Distributed Generation has been one of the most critical energy resources in power industry, with the promotion and utilization of the renewable, integration of which into distribution networks, this will brings some new technical difficult problem to the electrical network. Since the current protection system of distribution network is designed according to the single power supply and radiation structure, these small capacity generations will change the protective perance, so the original protection system need to make appropriate adjustments. In this paper, first studied about the concept of DG, the types of DG, and the grid-connection, as well as the status of research and development. Building a mathematical model of the double-fed asynchronous Induction wind GeneratorDFIG. According to the software of MATLAB/SIMULINK, built the simulation model of the wind turbine as a distributed power. The occurrence of different fault of the line at the same point during DG turning on the distributed network is simulated, obtained the plot of short-circuit current and voltage, and have a theoretical analysis, Laid the groundwork for the wind farm grid. The effect on the protection around feeders and automatic reclosing after DG turning on the distributed network is studied and simulated. Based on a fault characteristic analysis of the distribution system with DG, online adaptive tuning protection algorithm is proposed and simulated. The results show that the algorithm can still automatically calculate the settings according to the current operation mode and the output power of DG. Based on it, relay protection configuration scheme with DG is proposed, this will be a good reference for the protection research of future grid with distributed generation. At the end of this dissertation,a systematical summary is given. Furtherwork to be studied is pointed out. Key Words distribution network; distributed generators; wind power generation; reclosing; online adaptive tuning protection 目 录 摘 要I ABSTRACTII 第1章 绪论1 1.1 课题背景及探讨意义1 1.2 国内外发展和探讨现状2 1.2.1 分布式发电技术的发展与现状2 1.2.2 含分布式电源配网继电爱护探讨现状4 1.3 本


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