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辽宁科技高校毕业设计(论文) 第V页 含上位机传输的LED显示屏设计与实现 摘 要 本设计是一个含有PC机为上位机的1616点阵LED电子显示屏的设计。LED以其组装方式敏捷、显示稳定、功耗低、寿命长、成本低廉等特点在车站、证券所、运动场馆、交通干道及各种场合的信息发布,公益宣扬等得到广泛的应用。 此设计是用美国ATMEL公司生产的40脚的单片机AT89S51为核心,介绍了它的自身特点以及相比其他单片机的优势所在,还有阐述了限制系统的LED点阵电子显示屏的动态扫描设计和硬件、软件开发原理流程。主要实现方式是,通过该芯片限制一个行驱动器 74HC154和两个列驱动器74HC595来驱动显示屏显示。该电子显示屏可以显示各种文字或单色图像,LED显示屏采纳4块88点阵LED显示模块,来组成1616点阵显示模式全屏能显示1个汉字,全屏可显示一个汉字。显示采纳动态扫描显示,使得图形或文字能够实现静止、移入移出等多种显示方式。并通过上位机PC机,来传输文字的录入,使其更加敏捷可控和可再利用等功能。文中具体介绍了LED点阵显示的硬件设计思路、硬件电路各个部分的功能及原理、相应软件的程序设计,以及运用说明等。 单片机限制系统程序采纳单片机C语言进行编辑,通过编程限制各显示点对应LED阳极和阴极端的电平变换,就可以有效的限制各显示点的亮灭。所显示字符的点阵数据可以自行编写,也可从标准字库中提取。然后通过PC机软件VC和与单片机之间的协议RS-232进行通信。 经实践证明,该系统显示误差小,性能稳定,结构合理,扩展实力强。 关键词 LED显示屏;AT89S51单片机;RS-232通信协议;点阵屏汉字显示 Abstract This design is one includes PC machine for the superior machine 1616 the lattice LED electron display monitors design. LED is nimble by its assembly way, the demonstration is stable, the power loss is low, the life is long, the cost inexpensive and so on characteristics in the station, the negotiable securities, the movement facility, the transportation yang or male principle and each kind of situations ination issued, the public welfare propaganda and so on obtains the widespread application. This design is 40 foots monolithic integrated circuit AT89S51 which produces with American ATMEL Corporation is a core, introduced its own characteristic as well as compares other monolithic integrated circuits superiority to be, but also had elaborated control systems LED lattice electron display monitors dynamic scanning design and the hardware, the software development principle flow. Mainly realizes the way is, controls good driver 74HC154 and two row driver 74HC595 through this chip actuates the display monitor demonstration. This electronic display monitor may demonstrate that each kind of language or the monochrome picture, the LED display monitor uses 4 88 lattice LED display module, composes 1616 the lattice display mode entire screen to be able to demonstrate that 1 Chinese character, the entire screen may demonstrate a Chinese character. The demonstration uses the dynamic scanning to demonstrate that causes the graph or the writing can realize static, moves in the emigration and so on many kinds of display modes. And through superior machine PC machine, transmits the writing , causes it more nimble controllable and may use and so on functions again. In the article introduced the LED lattice demonstration hardware design mentality, hardware circuit each part of functions and the principle, the corresponding softwares programming in detail, as well as operating instructions and so on. The monolithic integrated circuit control system procedure uses the monolithic integrated circuit C language to carry on the edition, controls each demonstration point correspondence LED anode and the cloudy violent level transation through the programming, may effective control each demonstratio


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