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中国石油高校(华东)毕业设计论文 本 科 毕 业 设 计(论文) 题 目吕江商业油库设计 学生姓名 学 号 专业班级 指导老师 2013年 6 月15 日 中国石油高校(华东)本科毕业设计(论文) 吕江商业油库设计 摘 要 伴随着石油工业产业的快速崛起,油库在石油工业产业中的作用也更加突出和重要。油库指用以贮存油料的专用设备,因油料具有的特异性用以相对应的油库进行贮藏。油库是原油生产、原油加工、成品油供应及运输的纽带,是国家石油储备和供应的基地,它对于保障国防和促进国民经济高速发展具有相当重要的意义。 油库的发展速度和规模也相当快速,除了石油系统、供销系统和军用系统间有一系列专用的油库外,其它企业,如交通、电力、冶金等部门也建有不同种类的油库,以保证运输与生产的商业化需求。 吕江商业油库是一个以营销为主的成品油库,其主要任务是向各地下属油库及各加油站、企事业单位、农村用户等供油。油品由铁路运入,由铁路和马路发出,马路发油形式有散装和整装两种 整个油库在设计上主要分为五个部分储油区,装卸区,协助生产区,行政管理区、消防管理区。考虑到销量、库容与油品的性质等多方因素,铁路轻油作业采纳四管系统,马路作业为单管系统,铁路粘油作业与马路作业均采纳单管系统。 本设计包括油罐区及总平面布置图、工艺流程图和泵房安装三张草图,以及总平面布置计算、工艺水力计算、消防系统计算和设计以及外文翻译,较全面的说明白完全的设计方案。 关键词 油罐;泵房;发油亭;装卸区;集油管 Lv Jiang commercial tank farm design Abstract Along with the rapid rise of the oil industry, oil depot in the oil industry is also increasingly prominent and important. Oil refer to the special equipment used to store oil, because oil has specificity for the corresponding storage depot. Oil depot is the supply of crude oil production, the processing of crude oil, product oil and transport link, is the national petroleum reserve and supply base, it is to protect national defense and promote national economy high speed development has important significance. Oil depot is also rapid development speed and scale, in addition to the oil system, supply and marketing system and military system between a series of dedicated terminal, to ensure that transport and the commercialization of the production requirements. Lv Jiang commercial tank farm is a predominantly marketing of finished product oil depot, its main task is to subordinate oil depot and gas stations around the country, enterprises and institutions, such as rural users oil supply. Product by the railway transported into the, issued by the railway and highway, highway hair oil has two kinds of bulk and ready The oil depot in design mainly divided into five parts oil-rich area, terminal, auxiliary production, administrative districts, fire fighting administrative zone. Considering the nature of the sales volume, capacity and product various factors, such as rail light oil operations using four tube system, highway operation for single pipe system, rail sticky oil and highway operation adopt single pipe system. This design including tank area and the general layout, process flow diagram and pump installation drawings, as well as the general layout, hydraulic calculation, fire control system calculation and design, and foreign language translation, illustrates the whole design scheme of more comprehensive. KeywordsOil tank; Pump room; Hair oil pavilion; Terminal; Set the tubing 目 录 第一章 前言1 1.1 序言1 其次章 油库总平面布置及流程图说明2 2.1 油库总平面布置说明2 2.1.1 储油区3 2.1.2 装卸区3 2.1.3协助生产区4 2.1.4 行政管理区4 2.2 工艺流程说明5 2.2.1铁路作业区5 2.2.2马路发放区5 第三章


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