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攀枝花学院毕业设计(论文) 攀枝花学院 Panzhihua University 本科毕业设计(论文) 后钢板弹簧吊耳加工工艺,工装设计文献综述 院 (系) 机械工程学院 专 业 机械设计制造及其自动化 班 级 2010级 6班 学生姓名 叶强 学 号 201010601218 2014 年 3 月 10 日 本科生毕业设计(论文)文献综述评价表 毕业设计(论文)题目 后钢板弹簧吊耳 综述名称 后钢板弹簧吊耳加工工艺和工装设计文献综述 评阅老师姓名 党玉春 职称 教授 评 价 项 目 优 良 合格 不合格 综述结构 01 文献综述结构完整、符合格式规范 综述内容 02 能精确照实地阐述参考文献作者的论点和试验结果 03 文字通顺、精练、可读性和好用性强 04 反映题目所在学问领域内的新动态、新趋势、新水平、新原理、新技术等 参考文献 05 中、英文参考文献的类型和数量符合规定要求,格式符合规范 06 围绕所选毕业设计(论文)题目搜集文献 成果 综合评语 评阅老师(签字) 年 月 日 摘 要 后钢板弹簧吊耳是本次设计的题目,我们所要做的是对该零件进行专用夹具的设计,以及分析后钢板弹簧吊耳该零件的加工工艺规程。众所周知,依据我们所学的机械加工工艺原则可知,经过对后钢板弹簧吊耳进行一系列的分析可知,该零件的主要加工表面是对孔和平面进行工艺加工,而且由机械加工工艺原则我们还可得知,保证平面的加工精度要比保证孔的加工精度简单。所以先面后孔的加工工艺是本次设计遵循的原则。并将平面和孔的加工明确划分成为粗加工和精加工两个阶段,以此来保证在加工中的加工精度。在加工后钢板弹簧吊耳的过程中,对于加工基准的选择,先选择粗基准,再选择精基准。因此经过对该零件的分析我们可知,粗基准我们选择的是钢板弹簧吊耳的大外圆端面,而精基准我们选择的是以后钢板弹簧吊耳的两个工艺孔和大外圆端面。其在加工过程中主要的加工工序支配是先加工端面,在加工出工艺孔,详细来说是先以后钢板弹簧吊耳大外圆端面互为基准加工出端面,再以端面定位加工出工艺孔。在后续工序中除个别工序外,一般都是用端面和工艺孔定位,以此来加工其他孔与平面。在完成后钢板弹簧吊耳的加工过程中,我们都选择的是以组合机床来进行工艺加工。 关键词 后钢板弹簧吊耳,基准,加工工艺,专用夹具 8 ABSTRACT Rear leaf spring lug is the subject of this design , we have to do is be part of the special fixture design, and analysis of leaf spring rear lug process planning for that part. As we all know , according to the machining process known principles that we have learned , through the ears of the rear leaf spring series analysis, the main part of the machined surface of the hole and the plane is on the processing technology , and by the principle of the machining process , we also can be learned to ensure the accuracy of precision machining plane than to ensure the hole easily. So the process after the first surface of the hole is to follow the principles of this design . And hole machining plane and a clear division became roughing and finishing in two stages , in order to ensure that the processing precision. After processing the steel sheet during the spring lug , the reference selection process for the first rough selection basis , select fine basis . Therefore, after analysis of the parts we know , we have chosen benchmark crude cylindrical end face of the leaf spring is a big lug , and fine benchmark process we chose two large cylindrical holes and leaf spring lug end face of the future . Its main processing arrangement is the first step in the process for machining the face in the process of hole machining , specifically after the first leaf spring lug large cylindrical end face each other benchmark machined end face , then face orientation process machined hole . In addition to individual processes , in general, are used to locate holes in the face and the sub


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