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同等学力作文 1.仔细审题,推断文体 1. 列好提纲,提纲的内容为每段的主题句,结论句和重要的支持句。 留意思维尽可能简洁,避开出现不熟识,无法用英语表达或过于困难的内容。 3. 工整书写,可读 4. 适度套用熟识的句型,格言,警句,提高档次。 5. 适度预留间隙,便利修改 6. 按要求充分运用已给的信息。留意篇幅 7.避开无谓失分 把握转承启合 On Using Internet Nowadays, 启 more and more university students have access to Internet. 引出话题 It is estimated that 适度运用句型 about 80 students (会编造数据,事实)of Beijing university surf on the Internet for averagely 2 hours会编造数据,事实every day. Indeed,承, most student have fully realized the uses and of the Internet,but 转 they have not came to realize the harms of the Internet that has brough to them. In addition,(承)some students even hold that they can not live without Internet. However, 转 the harms the Internet has been doing to young students are really serious. 主题句 To begin with, 启 staying too long in front of the computer screen can definitely damage the eyes of the young people. According to 承 a survey issued by a medicine company, about 50 会编造数据of the students have the problem of eyes. Second, 承 being lost in the Internet will also waste a lot of time for reading some more valuable things. Lastly, 承 Internet may make the young in a world filled with some illusionary stories. Some of the adolescents even commit crimes. Apparently , 合 surfing on the Internet too long is more harmful than we have imagined. 争论文 1. 结构 提出问题, 分析问题, 解决问题 2. 题型 (1) 正反对比和作者看法型 Outline 有些人喜爱始终从事一种工作。因为 有些人喜爱常常更换工作,因为 我的看法 (2) 问题解决型 my view on fake commodities 假冒伪劣商品的危害 如何杜绝假冒伪劣商品 (3)现象对比和看法题 My view on the negative effects of some advertisements Outline 现在有很多不良商业广告 这些广告的副作用和危害 我对这些广告的看法 范文 My view on opportunity People have different attitude towards opportunity.主题句,引论句some believe that opportunity is rare,while others say that everyone almost has opportunities. I would agree with the latter point of view.表明自己的观点和看法 I believe that everyone in the world can meet more or less opportunities in his life. 拓展,阐述 The problem is that whether one can grasp that opportunity.阐述,说的详细,明白提出问题段落. Nowadays, China is developing so rapidly that there appear more and more chances and opportunities for us youth.(理由) For example 举例, there is a great increase in job opportunities with the opening-up.we should study hard and try to improve us in all aspects and thus we will have the competence to get the best job opportunities after graduation(如何).As a matter of fact, 例证I have witnessed several classmates who are good at English working as part-timers in some companies. They can not only put their knowledge into practice, but also earn some money to cover their life expenses at college.分项问题 In a word,there are really plenty of opportunities available to us. The only precondition(对观点的补充和完善)for our getting these opportunities is the qualification we have to own, in other words, chances and o


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