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同义句转换 1、 同义词或词组之间的转换。(通常上下句时态保持一样)。 常见的同义词或词组有1四个“花费”(spendtakecosttake);2三个“到达”(get toreacharrive in/at);3四个“收到来信”(hear fromget a letter fromreceive a letter fromhave a letter from);4两个“擅长于”(be good at do well in);5两个“有空”(be freehave time);6三个“入睡”(go to sleepget to sleepfall asleep);7两个“玩得快乐”(enjoy oneselfhave a good time);8“给打电话”(call sbtelephone sbring sb. a callmake a telephone to sb.)9“飞往”(fly togo toby air/plane)10“自学”(teach oneselflearnby oneself)11在方面帮助helpwithhelp todo12在差be weak indo badly in13能/会canbe able to14更喜爱likebetter thanpreferto15充溢了be full ofbe filled with16放弃干give up doingstop doing17不再 no longernot any longer18照看/保管take care oflook after19展览on showon display20阻挡干stopfrom doingkeep/preventfrom doing21由于thanks tobecause of22举手hands upput up one’s hands23最终,最终at lastin the end24与不同be different frombe not the same as25从借入 borrowfromlendto26乘公汽/火车/的士go toby bus/train/taxitake a bus /train/taxi to27乘自行车去 go toby bikeride a bike to28为感到骄傲be proud ofbe the pride of29步行去 walk togo toon foot 30独自地by oneself alone等。 例如 AThe children had a good time in the park. BThe children enjoyed themselves in the park. 2、同义句型之间的转化。 常见的同义句型有①It seems that从句→Somebody seems(to be)adj/n ②It’s kind of sb. to do→Somebody is kind to do ③What doesmean→What do you mean by或What’s the meaning of④There is something wrong with→Something is wrong with ⑤notuntil与when/after/before引导的时间状语从句的转换⑥What’s wrong with→What’s the matter with ⑦How is→What’slike⑧How do you like→What do you think of⑧It’s time that→It’s time for sb. to do⑨It’s said that→People say that⑩Can I help you →What can I do for you 例如 AI went to bed after I finished my homework. BI didn’t go to bed until I finished my homework. 3、if引导的条件状语从句的转化。例如 AIf it doesn’t rain tomorrow, they’ll go to the park. BUnless it rains tomorrow, they’ll go to the park. AIf you don’t hurry, you’ll be late. BHurry up, or you’ll be late. AFish can’t live if there is no water. BFish can’t live without water. 4、现在完成时态中的一句多译。在现在完成时态中,结束性动词不能与时间段连用,必需改成相应的持续性动词。常见的动词转换有buyhave, borrowkeep, diebe dead, openbe open, joinbe in组织/be a 成员, beginbe on, leavebe away from, closebe closed, arrive in/ get to/ come/go tobe in/at, finshbe over, go to sleepbe asleep,get upbe up. 例如The old man died five months ago. The old man has been dead since five months ago. The old man has been dead for five months. It’s five months since the old man died. Five months has passed since the old man died. 5、简洁句与复合句之间的转换。 ①含宾语从句的复合句与简洁句的转换。 例如 AI saw they were playing football on the playground. BI saw them playing football on the playground. AThe teacher found that she


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