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同义词替换 一、名词/名词短语 1. author writer 作家 2. centurya hundred years 世纪、百年 3. chance opportunity 机会 4. decision resolution 确定 5. dishes food 食物 6. family home 家 7. firm company 公司 8. first name give name 名字 9. last name family name 10. gift present 礼物 11. litter rubbish/trash 垃圾 12. match contest竞赛 13. message ination信息 14. note message 短信 15. partarea地区 16. pen pal pen friend 笔友 17. photo picture 照片 18. question problem 问题 19. shop store 商店 20. sight places of interest 名胜、风景 21. some day one day 来日、将来有一天 22. sportsman athlete 运动员 23. spot place 地点、场所 24. stop station 车站 25. suggestion advice忠告 26. tabledesk 桌子 27. talk conversation谈话 28. test exam 考试 29. the Smiths the Smith family 史密斯一家 30. theme topic 主题 31. tonight this evening 今晚 32. top dogwinner赢家 33. two times twice 两次、两倍 34. two and a half hour two hours and a half 两个半小时 35. vacation holiday 假期 36. way 方法 37. work job 工作 二、动词/动词短语 38. ask for help turn to 寻求帮助 39. come again pardon 再一次 40. act per 表演 41. add---to---put ---on---把---加到---上 42. afford buy 买;担当得起 43. allow permit 允许;准许 44. do---by oneself alone 单独地;独自地 45. be hungry for becoming be looking forward to becoming 渴望成为 46. argue quarrel 争辩 47. arrive in get toreach 到达 48. be from come from 来自 49. do well/better in be good/better at(更)擅长于 50. be late for miss 错过 51. be willing to do would like to do 乐意做某事 52. believe trust 信任 53. break down doesn’t work 故障 54. call sb. up give a phone call to sb. 给某人打电话 55. care about worry about 担忧 56. catch a bus take a bus 坐公共汽车 57. choose pick out / select 选择 58. clean out clean up 把---打扫干净 59. clean sweep 打扫 60. come up with think of 提出;想出 61. continue keep 接着 62. cross go across 穿过 63. deal with do with 处理;应付 64. discover find out 发觉 65. do chores do housework 做家务事 66. drop throw 扔 67. fix up mend / repair 修理 68. follow understand 理解;明白 69. get on well with get along well with 与---友好相处 70. get over overcome 克服 71. give out hand out 分发 72. give sb. A hand help sb. 帮助某人 73. go to the movies go to the cinema 去看电影 74. grow up become an adult 长大 75. have a good /great/nice time enjoy oneself/ oneselves 玩得很快乐 76. hand in turn in 上交 77. join take part in 发生 78. have an eve on have a taste of 有---的品尝 79. hold on to keep doing sth./continue doing sth. 接着;坚持 80. hate dislike 恨;不喜爱 81. affect influence 影响 82. keep one’s word keep one’s promise 信守承诺 83. laugh at make fun of 讪笑;取笑 84. learn by oneself teach oneself 自学 85. leave for go to 动身去 86. look after take care of 照看 87. offer provide 供应 88. pass go by (时间)消逝 89. raise collect 收集 90. raise money make money 挣钱 91. realize come true/ achieve 实现 92. receive accept 收到;接受 93. remember not forget 记住;不遗忘 94. reply answer 回答;答复 95. rest break 休息 96


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