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长春市小升初英语考试试卷及答案 一、依据图示。你能补全下列单词吗本题共10小题,共10分 二、请你依据要求写出下列单词的相应形式。本题共10小题。共10分 1.book复数 2.too同音词 3.man复数 4.new反义词 5.short反义词 6.that is缩写 7.swim现在分词 8.play现在分词 9.I形容词性物主代词 10.nice换一个字母变成新词 三、你能为下列各题选出正确答案吗本题共20小题。共20分 1. What you going to do tomorrow morning A. is B. am C. are 2. I a red hat. A. has B. have C. am 3. Miss Wang is English teacher. A. a B. an C. the 4. Lets go together. A. shopping B. shops C. shop 5. This is map. A. Amys B. Amy C. Amy is 6. is the coat A. How much B. How many C. How old 7. I’m going to see Great Wall of China. A. an B. a C. the 8. Are there under the tree A. any cars B. some cars C. some car 9. They often get up six in the morning. A. on Bo at C. in 10. Please the blackboard, boys and girls. A. look on B. look at C. look like 11. My grandmother is my fathers _______ A. mother B. father C. aunt 12. There some water on the paper. A. are B. is C. am 13. We go home at 530 every day.. A. don’t B. arent C. doesnt. 14. How many are there in the picture A. animal B. animals C. the animal 15. Our school is the park. A. in B. of C. near 16. Does he play basketball on Monday A. No, he doesn’t B. Yes, he doesn’t C. No, he does 17. Ann likes eggs, hamburgers and pears. A. eating B. eat C. to eat 18. she like cakes A. Do B; Does C. Is 19. I to buy a birthday card for my mother. A. do B. want C. play 20. a football and two volleyballs behind the desk. A. There are B. He have C. There is 四、你能按要求完成下列句子吗本题共5小题,共10分 1. Our school is near the book shop. 就画线部分提问 is your school 2. We play games on Tuesday. 变成否定句 We play games on Tuesday. 3. They are cleaning their classroom. 变成一般疑问句 cleaning their classroom 4. Alice is my good friend. 就画线部分提问 is your good friend 5. Whats the time 写同义句 is it 五、想一想。如何回答外国挚友的问题。本题共10小题,共10分 1. Can you speak English 2. Whats your last name


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