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2020考研英语一小作文解析及例文 2020考研英语一小作文解析及例文 一、小作文题目类型 2020年考研英语一小作文题目类型主要有图表作文和提纲作文两种类型。 图表作文要求根据所给的图表或数据,描述其变化趋势、特点、原因等。 提纲作文要求根据所给的提纲,围绕主题展开论述。 二、图表作文解析及例文 图表作文是考研英语一小作文中的重要题型,常见的图表有柱状图、线图、表 格、饼图等。要想写好图表作文,首先要对图表进行分析,明确其变化趋势、特点 等,然后根据图表内容进行描述和分析。 解析 题目根据图表描述中国城市居民用水情况。 本题为柱状图作文,图表显示了中国城市居民用水的情况,包括城市居民用水 总量、平均用水量和用水比例。在写作时,可以根据图表的特点和变化趋势来进行 描述和分析。 例文 The bar chart above illustrates the water consumption of urban residents in China. As is presented in the chart, the total water consumption, average water consumption and proportion of water consumption are displayed. From the chart, we can see that the total water consumption has been on the rise from 2000 to 2010, reaching its peak at around 600 billion cubic meters. However, there has been a slight decline in the total water consumption since then, with the figure dropping to about 570 billion cubic meters in 2015. As for the average water consumption, it has remained relatively stable during the period, fluctuating between 400 and 450 cubic meters per capita. Furthermore, the chart also provides us with ination about the proportion of water consumption in different sectors. It reveals that the industrial sector has been the largest water consumer, accounting for around 60 of the total water consumption in 2000. However, the proportion has gradually decreased over the years, reaching about 50 in 2015. In contrast, the proportion of water consumption in the residential sector has shown an increasing trend, rising from about 20 in 2000 to nearly 30 in 2015. The agricultural sector, on the other hand, has maintained a relatively stable proportion of around 20 during the period. In conclusion, the total water consumption of urban residents in China has experienced a slight decline after reaching its peak in 2010. The proportion of water consumption in different sectors has also undergone changes over the years. It is hoped that measures will be taken to promote water conservation and ensure the sustainable use of water resources in the future. 三、提纲作文解析及例文 提纲作文是考研英语一小作文中的另一种常见题型,要求根据所给的提纲,对 主题进行展开论述。在写作时,可以根据提纲的要求,逐一进行分析和论述。 解析 题目根据以下提纲,写一篇短文描述中国古代与现代农民的生活差异。 本题为提纲作文,提纲要求写一篇短文描述中国古代与现代农民的生活差异。 在写作时,可以按照提纲的要求,逐一进行描述和比较。 例文 In ancient China, the lives of farmers were vastly different from those of modern farmers. The differences can be observed in terms of living conditions, agricultural techniques and social status. Firstly, the living conditions of ancient farmers were quite primitive compared to those of modern farmers. In the past, farmers lived in simple thatched huts and had limited access to basic necessities such as clean water and electricity. They had to rely on manual labor and traditional tools to cultivate the land. In contrast, modern farmers enjoy a much higher standard of living. They live in well-built houses with modern facilities and have access to clean water, electricity and other modern amenities. Secondly, there are significant differences in agri


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