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Age Requirement for Admission into Primary Schools There are 2 primary tests one test for Primary 4/5 P4/P5 admission and another for Primary 2/3 P2/3 admission. Applicants seeking admission to primary schools can choose to sit for the P4/P5 test or the P2/P3 test. Applicants should sit for the primary test appropriate for their age cohorts. The permissible age range is shown below Age as at 1 Jan 2011 Appropriate Test Content Level Tested Possible Level / Outcome 7 to 7 P2/P3 P1/P2 P2 or P1 or unsuccessful 8 to 8 P2/P3 P1/P2 P3 or P2 or P1 or unsuccessful 9 to 9 P4/P5 P3/P4 P4 or P3 or P2 or unsuccessful 10 to 10 P4/P5 P3/P4 P5 or P4 or P3 or unsuccessful 11 to 11 P4/P5 P3/P4 P5 or P4 or unsuccessful 12 to 12 P4/P5 P3/P4 P5 or unsuccessful Applicants who sit for the P2/P3 test may be placed to Primary 3, Primary 2, Primary 1 or be found unsuccessful, depending on their perance in the tests and their age. Applicants who sit for the P4/P5 test may be placed to Primary 5, Primary 4, Primary 3, Primary 2 or be found unsuccessful, depending on their perance in the tests and their age. Age Requirement for Admission into Secondary Schools MOE does not recommend admission to levels where international students will be more than two years older than their classmates. Applicants seeking admission to secondary schools can choose to sit for the Secondary 1, the Secondary 2 or the Secondary 3 test. Applicants should sit for the secondary test at the level appropriate for their age cohorts. The permissible age range is shown below Level Permissible Age Range as at 1 Jan 2011 Content level Tested Possible Level / Outcome Sec 1 12 to 14 years old Pri 6 Sec 1 or unsuccessful Sec 2 13 to 15 years old Sec 1 Sec 2 or unsuccessful Sec 3 14 to 16 years old Sec 2 Sec 3 or unsuccessful 2010 AEIS - Key Events and Dates The key events and dates for AEIS are appended belowConduct of AEIS Test Dates Level Registration Period 13 Oct 2010 Primary 2 – 5 26 Jul – 17 Sep 2010 14 Oct 2010 Secondary 1 – 3 26 Jul – 17 Sep 2010 As confirmation will be subject to the availability of places, applicants are strongly encouraged to apply early, make payment and the required supporting documents within one week of their online application. Preparing for the AEIS Centralised Tests Applicants should note that English is the medium of instruction and are strongly encouraged to prepare themselves in advance of the tests. Applicants should be familiar with the English and Maths syllabi of the level preceding the one they are applying for. For instance, an applicant who wishes to sit for Secondary 3 should be familiar with Secondary 2 content. An applicant who wishes to seek admission to Primary 3 and is assigned the P2/P3 test should be familiar with Primary 1 and Primary 2 content. An applicant who wishes to seek admission to Primary 2 and is assigned the P2/P3 test should be familiar with Primary 1 content. Details on the syllabi


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