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1. A group of frogs were traveling through ABBBA 2. As prices and building costs keep rising ABBAA 3. E-mail is one of the biggest threats to your home AABBB 4. High in the Swiss Alps many years ago BBABA 5. It’s interesting that the arrival of snow has the effect on ABAAB 6. The man sitting opposite Robert was the FC ABBAB 7. My secret for staying young is simple BAABA 8. A guide dog is a dog especially trained to guide ABBAB 9. Babies love chocolate and sometimes AABAB 10. Adam South was the first person BBAAA 11. Scientific discoveries have changed man’s life ABAAB 12. On Feb. 14 thmany people ABAAB 13. When Li Chen got married ABAAB 14. The Chinese New Year is now known ABBAB 15. Americans are proud of their variety BAABB 16. In sixteenth-century France AABBB 17. There was once a large, fat woman AABAA 18. Down the entrance hall of the school BBBBA 19. The Daily Texan AABBB 20. The modern sailing ship was developed ABABA 21. On hearing the words “just do it” AABBA 22. Some psychologists believe that mental ABBBB 23. Have you ever listened to AAABA 24. Babies sleep about 18 hours a day ABABA 25. Acting is such an over-crowded profession AABAA 26. One way that scientists learn about man is BBBAA 27. A pretty, well-dressed young lady stopped a taxi ABAAA 28. Two years ago, my husband bought me a bike BBAAA 29. Scientific discoveries was one of the earliest leaders BBBAA 30. The fourth Thursday in November is called AABBA 31. Herman had worked for the bank of BAABA 32. Now, you’ll be coming back here to brush up your English BBBAB 33. Wall Street is the name of a street in New York and BABBB 34. The year was 1932, Amelia Earhart ABAAB 35. No one Jane Gooddall first made friends with a chimp BABAA 36. Americans in business are like people who are in business ABAAA 37. Mr. Wilmot was born in a little village AABAB 38. For several years, Americans have enjoyed teleshopping BABBA 39. Hobbs was an orphan AABAB 40. The total area of land on earth is BABAA 41. Martin Luther King was a black Minister ABAAB 42. Do you forget to turn off the lights BAABA 43. Do you know something about tree rings BABAB 44. When many people are worried that there are no more heroes B


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