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version 4 FREQUENCY changed Air Alert IV is designed to be done 3 days per week with the exception of week 15 which is designed to be done 4 days. The 3 days workout schedule alternates from week to week which allows for ample muscle and strength recovery for your legs. This is extremely important in building the strength required for giving you the lift you need.WORKOUT CHART changed Air Alert IV Workout Chart will provide you with 2 charts. You will notice that the odd numbered weeks and the even numbered weeks instrict the same order sequence for each rcise, but that the actual days of the week are different. Do the workout exactly as prescribed on the days designed for the respective week. The odd weeks are to be done on Monday-Wednesday-Friday and the even weeks are to be done on Tuesday- Wednesday-Thursday. Week 8 is designed as a complete muscle recovery week. Air Alert IV should not be completed at all during week 8. Week 15, the final week, is designed to completely break down the muscles, shock them and prepare them for the final recovery. This last week will help to add an additional 1- 2 inches on your jumping ability. You are required to do week 15 four 4 days that week. You will do Air Alert IV on Monday-Tuesday-Thursday-Friday of the week.RESTING BETWEEN SETS changed The Air Alert IV workout consists of multiple sets and repetitions for each rcise. After completing 1 set of an rcise, do not rest anymore than 2 minutes before completing the second or third set for the respective rcise. During the 2 minute resting period, it is important to massage the muscle that you are currently working on. If you are doing Leap ups, be sure to massage your thighs while resting. When moving from 1 rcise to a new rcise for example, from Leap ups to Calf raises, do not rest at all. Move immediately to the next rcise.AIR ALERT IV RCISES The Air Alert IV rcises are identical to the Air Alert III rcises with the exception of a new rcise, Squat Hops™ see below. See Bottom for instructions regarding the first 5 rcises. Be sure to follow all warm up and cool down instructions identified in the end.LEAP UPS without the rope Step1 When beginning, bend down to a 1/4 squat position. Step2 Turn the rope and jump back into the air to a minimum of 8 to 10 inches . You may jump 10 to 12 inches if this is too easy. When you land this completes 1 repetition. Step3 Continue repeating this motion for each repetition. Rest about 3 to 4 minutes in between sets. Note This rcise can be done without the use of a jump rope if you desire. When jumping, keep your hands by your side or in front of you for assistance in jumping and follow the same procedures just described. Please see the diagram below.LEAP UPS Step1 When beginning, bend down to a 1/4 squat position with your hands out in front of you and jump up. Step2 Jump up into the air to a minimum of 8 to 10 inches . You may jump 10 to 12 inches if


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