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AISC 303-05 第4 5 6 8章翻译AISC 303-05 第4、5、6、8章翻译 第 2 页 共 26 页 Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildingsand Bridges SECTION 4. SHOP AND ERECTION DRAWINGS 车间和安装图纸 4.1. Owner Responsibility 业主责任 The Owner shall furnish, in a timely manner and in accordance with the Contract Documents, complete structural Design Drawings and Specifications that have been Released for Construction. Unless otherwise noted, Design Drawings that are provided as part of a contract bid package shall constitute authorization by the Owner that the Design Drawings are Released for Construction 业主要及时且根据合同文件提供完整的已经释放作为施工使用的结构设计图纸和规范。 除非有其他说明,作为合同投标包的一部分提供的设计图纸应由业主任命授权,此设计 图纸已经释放作为施工使用。 Commentary注释 When the Owner issues Released-for-Construction Design Drawings and Specifications, the Fabricator and the Erector rely on the fact that these are the Owner’s requirements for the project. This release is required by the Fabricator prior to the ordering of material and the preparation and completion of Shop and Erection Drawings. 当业主发行释放作为施工目的的设计图纸和规范时,制造者和安装者将会把这些作为业 主对于此项目的要求。这样的释放将由制造商在定购材料、准备和完成车间和安装图纸 之前要求。 To ensure the orderly flow of material procurement, detailing, fabrication and erection activities, on phased construction projects, it is essential that designs are not continuously revised after they have been Released for Construction. In essence, once a portion of a design is Released for Construction, the essential elements of that design should be “frozen” to ensure adherence to the contract price and construction schedule. Alternatively, all parties should reach a common understanding of the effects of future changes, if any, as they affect scheduled deliveries and added costs. 为了确保材料采购、详图设计、制作和安装的有次序地进行,在阶段的施工项目,设计 在释放用于施工后并不是不断地进行修改的。 大体上,一旦设计的一部分释放用于施工, 设计的主要元素应“冻结”来保证合同价和施工进度的稳定。或者,所有的部件应达到 一个共同的关于将来的变更的理解,这些变更影响交货进度并增加成本。 4.2. Fabricator Responsibility 制造商责任 Except as provided in Section 4.5, the Fabricator shall produce Shop and Erection Drawings for the fabrication and erection of the Structural Steel and is responsible for the following 除了章节4.5中提供的,制造商应进行用于钢结构的制造和安装的车间和安装图制的制作, 且对于以下负责 a The transfer of ination from the Contract Documents into accurate and complete Shop and Erection Drawings; and, 将合同文件中的信息转移到正确和完整的车间和安装图纸;且 b The development of accurate, detailed dimensional ination to provide for the fit-up of parts in the field. 正确、详细的尺寸信息的确定,以提供现场的临时部件。 Each Shop and Erection Drawing shall be identified by the same drawing number throughout the duration of the project and shall be identified by revision number and date, with each specific revision clearly identified. 每张车间和安装图纸在项目过程中应用同样的图纸号标识,且应用修订号和日期标识, 且要清晰地标识每个明确的修订本。AISC 303-05 第4、5、6、8章翻译 第 3 页 共 26 页 Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildingsand Bridges When the Fabricator s a request to change Connection details that are described in the


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