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FADE IN INT. DINING HALL - SARAH SIDDONS SOCIETY - NIGHT It is not a large room and jammed with tables, mostly for four but some for six and eight. A long table of honor, for about thirty people, has been placed upon a dais. Diner is over. Demi-tasses, cigars and brandy. The overall effect is one of worn elegance and dogged gentility. It is June. The CAMERA, as it has been throughout the CREDIT TITLES, is on the SARAH SIDDONS AWARD. It is a gold statuette, about a foot high, of Sarah Siddons as The Tragic Muse. Exquisitely framed in a nest of flowers, it rests on a miniature altar in the center of the table of honor. Over this we hear the crisp, cultured, precise VOICE of ADDISON deWITT ADDISONS VOICE The Sarah Siddons Award for Distinguished Achievement is perhaps unknown to you. It has been spared the sensational and commercial publicity that attends such questionable “honors“ as the Pulitzer Prize and those awards presented annually by the film society... The CAMERA has EASED BACK to include some of the table of honor and a distinguished gentleman with snow-white hair who is speaking. We do not hear what he says. ADDISONS VOICE The distinguished looking gentleman is an extremely old actor. Being an actor - he will go on speaking for some time. It is not important what you hear what he says. The CAMERA EASES BACK some more, and CONTINUES until itdiscloses a fairly COMPREHENSIVE SHOT of the room ADDISONS VOICE However it is important that you know where you are, and why you are here. This is the dining room of the Sarah Siddons Society. The occasion is its annual banquet and presentation of the highest honor our Theater knows - the Sarah Siddons Award for Distinguished Achievement. A GROUP OF WAITERS are clustered near the screen masking the entrances of the kitchen. The screens are papered with old theatrical programs. The waiters are all aged and venerable. They look respectfully toward the speaker. ADDISONS VOICE These hollowed walls, indeed many of these faces, have looked upon Modjeska, Ada Rehan and Minnie Fiske; Mansfields voice filled the room, Booth breathed this air. It is unlikely that the windows have been opened since his death. CLOSE - THE AWARD on its altar, it shines proudly above five or six smaller altars which surround it and which are now empty. ADDISONS VOICE The minor awards, as you can see, have already been presented. Minor awards are for such as the writer and director - since their function is merely to construct a tower so that the world can applaud a light which flashes on top of it and no brighter light has ever dazzled the eye than Eve Harrington. Eve... but more of Eve, later. All about Eve, in fact.THE CAMERA MOVES TO CLOSE - ADDISON deWITT, not young, not unattractive, a fastidious dresser, sharp of eye and merciless of tongue. An omnipresent cigarette holder projects from his mouth like the sward of DArtagnan. He sits back in his chair, musingly, his fingers making little cannonballs out of bread crumb


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