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A Lovers Complaint情女怨 From off a hill whose concave womb reworded A plaintful story from a sistring vale, My spirits tattend this double voice accorded, And down I laid to list the sad- tuned tale, Ere long espied a fickle maid full pale, Tearing of papers, breaking rings atwain, Storming her world with sorrows wind and rain. 一个深溪里的悲惨故事, 在邻山的空谷里回响, 这应和的声响动我神思, 我躺下静听这难言的悲伤; 一转眼却见一个愁苦的姑娘, 撕扯着纸片,把戒指全敲碎, 恨不能让愁云凄雨把世界摧毁。 Upon her head a platted hive of straw, Which fortified her visage from the sun, Whereon the thought might think sometime it saw The carcase of a beauty spent and done. Time had not scythed all that youth begun, Nor youth all quit, but spite of heavens fell rage Some beauty peeped through lattice of seared age. 她头上戴着一顶宽边草帽, 帽檐遮住了她脸上的阳光, 在那脸上你有时仿佛看到, 一位曾经是无比艳丽的姑娘。 时光并没有毁尽青春的宝藏, 尽管上天震怒,青春余韵尚在, 风霜、岁月也掩不尽她的丰采。 Oft did she heave her napkin to her eyne, Which on it had conceited characters, Laundring the silken figures in the brine That seasoned woe had pelleted in tears, And often reading what contents 她不时把手绢举到自己的眼下, 手绢上绣着精妙的词句, 让积郁的悲伤化作的泪花, 把丝绒刺绣的字句浸洗, 她时而细审那词中的深意, 时而因莫名的悲痛不禁啜泣, 呼号、呻吟,一阵高,一阵低。it bears; As often shrieking undistinguished woe, In clamours of all size, both high and low. Sometimes her levelled eyes their carriage ride, As they did battry to the spheres intend; Sometime diverted their poor balls are tied To th orbed earth; sometimes they do extend Their view right on; anon their gazes lend To every place at once, and nowhere fixed, The mind and sight distractedly commixed. 有时,她高抬起她的两眼, 直向天上无数的星辰凝望; 有时她把目光的方向转变, 了望大地;有时使她的目光 转向前方;忽然又目无定向, 游移的眼神向虚空观看, 她的视觉和思绪已乱成一团。 Her hair, nor loose nor tied in al plat, Proclaimed in her a careless hand of pride; For some, untucked, descended her sheaved hat, Hanging her pale and pined cheek beside; Some in her threaden fillet still did bide, And, true to bondage, would not break from thence, Though slackly braided in loose negligence. 她的头发,没仔细梳理,也不散乱, 显然她骄傲的双手已懒于梳妆; 从她的草帽边垂下的几绺云鬟, 紧贴着她的苍白瘦削的面庞; 但另有一些却仍被发带扎绑, 虽只是漫不经心地松松扎定, 那发丝却听其约束,平平整整。 A thousand favours from a maund she drew Of amber, crystal, and of beaded jet, Which one by one she in a river threw, Upon whose weeping margent she was set; 她从小筐儿里拿出无数珍宝, 其中有玛瑙,有水晶,还有墨玉, 她把它一件件向河心乱抛, 一边坐在河岸边低声哭泣, 恰像是河水要靠泪水聚集, 或者说像帝王对人民的恩赐, 贫者无份,只对富有者一施再施。 Like usury applying wet to wet, Or monarchs hands that lets not bounty fall Where want cries some, but where excess begs all. Of folded schedules had she many a one, Which she perused, sighed, tore, and gave the flood; Cracked many a ring of posied gold and bone, Bidding them find their sepulchres in mud; Found yet moe letters sadly penned in blood, With sleided silk feat and affectedly Enswathed and sealed to curious secrecy. 她拿出许多折叠着的信笺, 看一看,叹口气,便往河里扔去, 她把骨戒指砸碎,金戒指全砸扁, 让它们一个个葬身河水底, 另外还有一些信墨迹是血迹, 缠着生丝,折叠得齐齐整整, 封上加封,全不过为了打动她的心。 These often bathed she in her


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