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语法词汇综合练习一 1. ______ we need to complete the construction is two million dollars. A. All what B. That all C. That D. What 2. ______ all our kindness to help her, Sara refused to listen. A. At B. In C. For D. On 3. _______ all the difficulties, she finished the project by herself. A. As for B. In spite C. Besides D. Despite 4. _______ as it was at such a time, his work attracted much attention. A. Being published B. Published C. Publishing D. To be published 5. _______ before we depart the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party. A. Had they arrived B. Would they arrive C. Were they arriving D. Were they to arrive 6. ______ book is interesting to her although reading is her hobby. She likes reading literature, not politics or economics. A. None of B. No C. Not every D. All 7. _______classic music, which follows al European tradition, jazz is a spontaneous and free . A. In contrast to B. In connection with C. In comparison with D. In regard to 8. _______ conflict among city-states caused the eventual decline of Greek civilization. A. Continuous B. Continual C. Constant D. Contrary 9. _______ conventional black ink costs newspaper about thirty cents, most rub-resistant inks add at least ten cents more to the bill. A. While B. Furthermore C. Meanwhile D. Moreover 10. _______ for this suggestion. A. There is something to be said B. There has something to be said C. It is something to be saidD. It has something to be said 11. _______ for your help, wed never have been able to get over the difficulties. A. Had it not B. If it were not C. Had it not been D. It we had not been 12. ______ hes already heard the news. A. Chances are B. Chance is C. Opportunities are D. Opportunity is 13. _______ his knowledge and academic background, he is basically stupid. A. But for B. According toC. For all D. Thanks to 14. _______ his return from Japan, Prof. Li went directly to his laboratory and started working with his colleagues. A. Upon B. At C. Within D. Over 15. _______ I am concerned, some other arrangement would have been better. A. So far B. As for C. As far asD. So far from 16. _______ I saw you I knew you were angry with me. A. A moment B. The moment C. In a moment D. For a moment 17. _______ in government was exposed through the agency of the press. A. Corruption B. Cosmetic C. Cottage D. Costume 18. _______ in the dark, his head hit against the wall. A. Walking B. His walking C. When he was walking D. While walking 19. _______ is a term for the partial or complete inability to hear. A. There is deafnes


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