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合肥市五十中学西校教化集团八年级入学教化检测 英语 I. 找出与下面画线部分读音不同的单词(10分) 1. rise A. price B. life C. litter D. bike 2. computer A. student B. cute C. put D. use 3. tape A. late B. able C. cake D. father 4. bank A. chalk B. fan C. land D. carry 5. short A. orange B. born C. kilo D. lost 6. name A. grade B. glad C. date D. gate 7. cut A. just B. luck C. cute D. cup 8. car A. quarter B. large C. start D. march 9. book A. school B. look C. cook D. took 10. bed A. best B. get C. sell D. metre II. 用括号内所给的词的适当形式填空(22分) 11.This dictionary is ________Betty. 12. Are these books ________you 13. Let me ________look at the lost and found box. 14. There are a lot of _______watch in the bag. 15. Here_____be some bread. You can eat one piece. 16.--- Is this _____you watch ---No, it’s not______I 17. I enjoy ______me playing computer games. 18. The little boy looks forward to ______meet his mother. 19. They are from America. One of ______they is a girl. 20. Ten minutes______late, the bus comes. 21. Online shopping has several __________advantages. 22. It takes me two hours ________finish my homework. 23. First, you open the door.______two, you turn on the light. 24. These ________strawberry in the supermarket are fresh. 25. The old woman was _______lose in the big city. 26. I know a boy __________call Zhao Liang. 27. The boss went out angrily without ________say a word. 28. __________ not walk in the forests. It’s dangerous. 29. The old man takes the pills three ________time a day. 30. My two friends are both from Germany and they are ________German 31. Do you like __________ Europe modern music 32. The son was even more ____________success than his father. III. 完型填空(20分) It was a cold winter. An eight-year-old boy got a 33 from his grandfather. It was a very lovely little turtle海龟. The boy was so happy to 32 the little turtle. He wanted to play with it very much. 33 the turtle retracted 缩回 its head and feet into its shell. The boy wanted the turtle to 34 out of its shell, so he poked捅 the turtle with a stick But it didnt 35 . The turtle just stayed inside its shell. The boy was very 36 . Grandfather saw that. He said to the boy, Dont do it in that way. I have a good idea. Let me help you. Grandfather ______37 the little turtle into his room and put it near a warm fireplace壁炉. After a few minutes, the little turtle 38 warm and showed its head and feet. To the boys 39 , the turtle went on his hand Sometimes, 40 are like the little turtle, Grandfather said. So dont be so rude 粗鲁的. Be kind and friendly to them


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