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2023年人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册同步培优Unit 4 Reading and Thinking.docx

Unit 4Journey Across a Vast Land 十Reading and Thinking 基础达标练 I .单词拼写 1 .Music is a universal language. There is no border(边界)between music. 1.1 t houses a variety of exhibits, including paintings, antiques(古董),crafts and so on. 3 .This fire drill(演习)helped us know a minute would make all the difference in an emergency. 4 .We got to know what awesome(令人,原叹的)achievements our hardworking scientists had made. 5 .The artist built massive(巨大的)sculptures out of plastic garbage. 6 .Fm Li Hua, a passenger on Flight BA793 of your airline总亢空公司). 7 .The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics was a great success with a duration(持续时间)of 17 days. 8 .The figures are reflected on the curtain(窗帘)through the light. 9.1t is wise for you to develop a pleasant(令人|俞快的)relationship with your classmates. lO.Driverless cars are literally(真正地)not completely independent of humans. n.单句语法填空 1 .There are problems arising(arise) from the lack of communication. 2.1t was not until in 1927 that the first full-length talking film” was shown in New York. 3.The wild wind blew and the freezing(freeze) sea water clapped our bodies continuously. 4.1 firmly believe that our common people are bound to live(live) a happy and harmonious life. 5.1n anticipatioii(anticipate) of bad weather they took plenty of warm clothes. 6.We delivered speeches in turn, sharing(share) the most impressive parts of the exhibition. Ill.完成句子 1 .A bunch if flowers with my best wishes will reach you tonight. 今晚你将收到一束鲜花和我的美好祝愿。 1.1 fs really beyond description and it can take year breath away. 简直无法用语言来描述它会让你惊叹不已。 3 .They anticipate moving to bigger apartments by the end of the year. 他们预期年底前迁入较大的公寓。 4 .The highlight of the Summer Camp will be the outward development to be held on the last day. 夏令营的精彩部分是最后一天将要举行的拓展力U练。 5 .Are we going to sit on the train bound for spring” 我们是不是要坐上“开往春天的列车” W.结合课文主题,使用本单元词汇与句型写一篇80词左右的短文 1 .掰口朋友们第一次去了加拿大的乔治亚湾群岛国家公园Georgian Bay Islands National Park 旅行,这是一次令人愉快的pleasant徒步旅行。 2 .我们这次旅行的亮点highlight就是探索森林中的天然徒步旅行路线,欣赏壮观的spectacular 景色。 3 .我们所带的只有旅行期间duration的衣服和食物。 4 .当我们到达山顶peak时,令人惊叹的awesome景色出现了,让我们惊叹不已take our breath away0 5 .正如预期anticipate的那样公园的工作人员工作效率很高确保游客有愉快的体验我遇到的 每个人都很友好。真是一次难忘的旅行 I visited Georgian Bay Islands National Park of Canada for the first time with my friends and it was a pleasant hike. The highlieht of our trip was exploring the natural hiking trails in the forest with spectacular views. All we brought with us were clothes and food for the duration of the trip. When we reached the peak of the mountain, the awesome scenery appeared and took our breath away. As anticipated, the parks staff worked very efficiently to ensure a pleasant experience for visitors and every person I met was friendly. What an unforgettable trip it was 能力提升练 I .阅读理解 Located in the southeast of Canada and with a population of approximately 6 million, Toronto is a big and beautiful city, which has developed from a relatively unknown place


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