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Analysis the Individual Existence ValueBy罗清维Luo QingweiA term paper ted to the Foreign Language and Literature Department of Baoji University of Arts and SciencesClass 1 Grade 2013 Term paper Advisor signature Student’s signature DateAnalysis the Individual Existence Value Introduction On the night of resplendent starry sky, most of masterpieces come into being all around the world. There is a masterpiece of the John Bunyan’s the pilgrim’s progress, it is a fact a very thorough interpretation of the Bible and of the Christian spirit and vivid rendering of the pilgrims’ adventure on the way. The pilgrims’ soul had gradually gone through the following four stages of development the repentance of sins, the temptation after conversion, the severe trials of faith and love, and the perfection of faith and righteousness. This process of development is clearly a kin to a soul’s progress on the road to salvation according to the divine plan and doctrines of salvation recorded in the Christian Scriptures . With the development of the economy and technology, the trends of the theoretical in literature is from Renaissance period to modern period. Up to the study of the masterpiece have already been invented. The point of my view holds that the Pilgrim’s Progress is the only one can compare with the Bible which have a great impact on it. Not only reflect to the real panorama of the Britain, but also mirror the truth background of the Britain, even in culture. It stands out the individual existence value, which is essential for current society. The existence of human beings for the vast universe, the individual existence is negligible, even cannot change nothing. Because of the universe, the so-called human efforts and struggles can only holds in our own hands. The value of a person is of his own heart’s reality and ture feelings, also includes the social value and own value. In reality, the people is the main part of the value relationship,all the called pursuit and delication, is the presence of self value . In the Bunyan’s works, not only reflecting the existence of the individual value, but leading generations of scholars and emerging in the numerous and complicated are insisted on your dream and belief, especially in the pursuit of the person’s life value.I Nature Human Journey------Searching for Entity’s Value In the fight bloody battle with the Church period, as well as the contractions between the bourgeoisie and feudal aristocracy, a thoroughly characteristic figure of the 17 thcentury is the most turbulent in the English history. Elizabeth I died 1603 and James I came to the throne-a succession that marks the changes a united English to a divided England. The government of James I was a despotism based upon the theory of the divine right of kings. In the next reign, namely, Charles I succeed James I in 1625, the religious tyranny of Archbishop William Laud was added to the political theory of div


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