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高分亮点词汇 Vol.1 首先 常见简单词first ,firstly 高分亮点词first of all, to start with, to begin with, in the first place 例To start with, doing a part-time job is my dream and I intend to work as a salesman because not only can I earn money by myself, but also it will broaden my horizons. 首先,做兼职是我们的梦想,同时,我打算做一个销售人员是因为不仅可以养活自己,还能扩展眼界。 Vol.2 其次 常见简单词second,secondly 高分亮点词in addition, then, next, in the second place 例In addition, it is a choice to visit some famous scenic spots such as Mount Tai during the vacation. 其次,它是一次机会可以在假期中参观一些名胜古迹,如泰山。 Vol.3 再次 常见简单词third,thirdly 高分亮点词what is more, in the third place 例What is more, doing voluntary work, I think, will make a great contribution to the society, which is able to enrich my life. 再次,我认为做志愿者工作,可以丰富自己的人生,也是对社会的贡献。 Vol.4 最后 常见简单词finally,at last 高分亮点词in conclusion, in the end, last but not least 例In conclusion,lets work together to save energy and protect our natural environment, including animals, trees, flowers and grass. 最后,让我们齐心协力去节约能源,保护我们的自然环境,保护动物,树木,花草。 Vol.5 解释 常见简单词explain 高分亮点词account for 例There exist two reasons, which may account for the difference. 这里有两点原因可以解释这个差异。 Vol.6 打算 常见简单词plan 高分亮点词intend,mean 例I intend to join in a Dragon Boat Training Camp. 我打算参加一个龙舟训练营。 Vol.7 变成 常见简单词become 高分亮点词turn into,change into 例Then they started shouting and yelling, and it turned into a horrible quarrel. 然后他们开始喊叫,最终变成了一场可怕的争吵。 Vol.8 告诉 常见简单词tell 高分亮点词share with 例Im writing to share with you some details. 我现在给你写信来告诉你一些细节。 Vol.9 对感到惊讶 常见简单词be surprised at 高分亮点词be amazed at 例Im amazed at the progress youve made. 我对你取得的进步感到惊讶。 Vol.10 集合 常见简单词meet 高分亮点词gather 例Well gather at the Students Club at 8 p.m. this Friday. 这周五的下午八点,我们将在学校俱乐部集合。 Vol.11 各种各样的 常见简单词different kinds of 高分亮点词a wide variety / range of 例We have a wider range of choices such as travelling and visiting our relatives or friends. 我们有更多的选择,像旅行,拜访亲朋好友。 Vol.12 帮忙 常见简单词help 高分亮点词do sb. a favor, give sb. a hand, help sb. out 例Id like you to do me a favor. 我想要你帮个忙。 Vol.13 确信 常见简单词Im sure / certain that 高分亮点词I am convinced that 例I am pretty convinced that a wise choice makes perfect. 我确信一个明智的选择会促成完美的结果。 Vol.14 考虑 常见简单词consider 高分亮点词think over, give sth. careful / full / serious consideration,take account of, take... into account / consideration 例We would have to give careful consideration to environmental issues. 我们必须要认真考虑环境问题。 Vol.15 以自豪 常见简单词be proud of 高分亮点词take pride in 例He took pride in having contributed to the world. 他以对世界的贡献自豪。 Vol.16 对感兴趣 常见简单词be interested in 高分亮点词have an interest in 例The girl has a great interest in sport and has been taking badminton classes twice a week over the last three years. 这个女孩对体育感兴趣,并且在过去的三年里,每周都会参加两次羽毛球课。 Vol.17 认为/相信 常见简单词think, believe 高分亮点词consider, assume that, maintain, argue that 例Some argue that humans and machines can


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