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一、V-ing和V-ed作状语 1.“Dad, sorry, it was such a mess.” Jeff murmured,loweringhis headinshame “对不起,爸爸,太乱了,”Jeff小声说道,惭愧地低着头。 2.“Surprise Happy Mother’s Day, mummy”they said,throwingtheir arms into the air. “给你一个惊喜妈妈。母亲节快乐”他们说着,在空中挥舞着胳膊。 3.Our family’s Christmas decorations swung from its branches,shiningin the morning light. 我们家的圣诞装饰品在松树枝上摆动着,在晨光中闪闪发光。 4.Sensingthe desperate gleam in Hunter’s eyes, Whiston bent over to give him a tight embrace,comfortingthat they would be safe. Whiston感觉到了Hunter眼中的绝望,弯下腰紧紧地拥抱他,安慰他们会安全的。5.Bubblingwith overwhelming ecstasy, Hunter couldn’t help bouncing ups and downs. Hunter欣喜若狂,情不自禁地蹦蹦跳跳。 6.Sobbingin relief, I was overwhelmed by waves of guilt and remorse. 我如释重负地抽泣着,心头涌上一波又一波的内疚和悔恨。 7.I murmured sorry,reflectingthat I should have taken his warning seriously. 我低声道歉,反思自己应该认真对待他的警告。 8.Peekingthrough the mounting rain, I struggled to make out the vague figure over there. 雨越下越大,透过大雨我努力辨认那边模糊的人影。 9.Picturingthe road cracked and the car was flooded away, I felt more frightened and sensed death was waiting for me. 看到道路开裂,车子被水淹没,我感到更加害怕,感觉死亡在等着我。 10.Yellingat the top of his lung, Joe tried to soothe me and convince me that it was the best way to escape the danger. Joe拼命地叫,试图安抚我,让我相信这是逃离危险最好的办法。 11.“Jump out of the car and ran to me” Joe yelled and got off the truck,waitingfor my action.“从车里出来,跑到我身边”Joe大叫着下了卡车,等待我的行动。 12.Followinghim, I arrived at home safe and sound finally. 跟着他,我最终安全无恙地回家了。 13.Filledwith fright, I dragged my exhausted body inching forward. 我拖着疲惫的身躯向前挪动,内心充满恐惧。 14.Then I saw my name,decoratedwith giant, golden wordschampion. 然后我看到了自己的名字,旁边还有巨大的金色“冠军”字样。 15.Takinga deep breath, Iheaded to the lounge door. 我深吸一口气,向客厅门走去。 16.“My egg bounced out,” she explained,pointingto a broken shell in the grass. “我的鸡蛋掉了,”她指着玻璃上的碎蛋壳解释道。 17.We just sat in our small apartment,unwrappingthe gifts one by one in happiness. 我们待在自己的小公寓里,幸福地拆一件又一件的礼物。 18.Sometimes, only a little kindness can light something shining,makingthe world more beautiful and harmonious. 有时,仅仅很微小的善意便能点亮一些东西,让世界变得更加和谐美好。 二、独立主格结构 19.The night falling, they put up a tent and wolfed down a simplified dinner. 夜幕降临,他们支起帐篷,快速地吃了个便饭。 20.Suddenlya low, buzzing sound appearing, Whiston raised his head, glanced around and spotted a helicopter in the distance. 突然,出现了低沉的嗡嗡声,Whiston抬起头环顾四周,发现远处有一架直升飞机。21.Blood rushing to his face and heart palpitating fiercely, he leapt to his feet and yelled at the top of his voice. 他涨红了脸,心脏怦怦直跳,跳起来,扯着嗓门喊。 22.The heavy smoke curling upward slowly into the sky, he clasped his hands tightly, praying in the depth of his heart that it would work. 浓烟缓缓升腾而起,他双手紧握,在心底祈祷能够奏效。 23.“Joe, I’m here” I wound down the window,tears of horror mixed with rain streaming down my face. “Joe,我来了”我摇下车窗,惊恐的泪水和雨水一同从我脸上流下来。 24.Eventually, I sat beside the stream,my arms and legs aching. 我终于在溪边坐下来了,胳膊和腿感到酸痛, 25.My brother made his way to


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