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[整合]高中英语完型填空题型训练题共10篇 一、完型填空 1. In face of COVID-19, every medical worker is a hero. Sigrid Stokes, a nurse, is in no ] to retire at age 76. She is too busy working to save lives during this 2 pandemic, just as her mother; Kristine Mueller; did more than a century ago. Her mother 3 those people stricken by flu pandemic in 1918. Now, Stokes is 4 to give vaccinations to health care workers 5 the coronavirus. Among the many photos of her mother, Stokes has one that she displays 6 of her mother in her white 7 talking to child star Shirley Temple as both smiled broadly.lts the same sense of 8 at helping people that Stokes brings to her own work. I give very good 9 she says with a slight smile. She proves it when she 10 puts a needle into the arm of a health care worker who doesnt even 11 it. Stokes was working part-time when the coronavirus began to 12 the country last year. She was too old to 13 COVID-19 patients, but knew she could help with vaccinations. As she arrives at work each day, she wears her uni and a necklace that her mother 14 each day when she was alive. \ wear them every time I come to work 15 I feel like my mom is with me. 1. A. dream B. mood C. need D. quality 2. A. local B. slight C. deadly D. Annual 3. A. tended to B. ran into C. relied on D. looked for 4. A. ordered B. expected C. examined D. assigned 5. A. analyzing B. battling C. dominating D. exploring 6. A. desperately B. hurriedly C. proudly D. cautiously 7. A. uni B. coat C. skirt D. dress. 8. A. sorrow B. belonging C. stress D. joy 9. A. tests B. shots C. operations D. instructions 10. A. secretly B. quickly C. nervously D. skillfully 11. A. tolerate B. accept C. feel D. make 12. A. sweep B. influence C. control D. destroy 13. A. move B. reject C. comfort D. treat 14. A. bought B. found C. wore D. grabbed 15. A. because B. although C. unless D. or 【答案】 1. B 2. C A 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. D 11. C 12. A 13. D 14. C 15. A 2. Marty Verel, a 59-year-old kidney transplant recipient in Ohio, should have been near the top of the list to receive a COVID-19 vaccine 疫苗. ],like millions of others, he wasnt having any luck 2 an appointment. Marty and his wife, Nancy Verel, would sit with tablets on their laps trying for hours on different sites 3 , all of which were slow and complicated. I felt 4 Nancy says. Then Nancy heard about Rebecca Mead, who was spending 5 ten hours a day online securing appointments for those with no 6 to the vaccine. So Nancy messaged Mead on Facebook and twenty-five minutes later, Mead 7 by asking for Marty怎 basic ination. Nine minutes after that, Mead made the appointment for Marty. Meads vaccine 8 started on February 1, when she learned that her parents were unable to get appointments themselves. 9 around on vaccine registration sites, Mead, who has been helping her husband develop websites, discovered how 10 it was to book an ap


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