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Syllabus of International Law bilingual 国际法学双语教学大纲 I. Basic ination of the course Course Code 18070413 Course Name国际法学双语 English Name International Law bilingual Course category Specialized course Class hours 54 Credits 3 Applicable object Law Undergraduates Assessment Examination Prerequisite courses Jurisprudence, Constitutional law, Civil law, Criminal law. II. Course description International law is primarily a law governing relations between states.The subject is composed of general section and individual section. The general section expounds the fundamental theoretical problem.including the nature and basis of International Law.fundamental principle of International Law.the subject of International Law.the source of International Law.The individual sections expounds principles and regulations of International Law in the areas of international relations.including territory law.sea law.space law.population in International Law.International organization law.the law of diplomatic and consular.the law of treaties.the law of international disputes and the law of armed conflict. III. Course Nature and Teaching Purpose 1. The nature of the course International law is one of compulsory courses for undergraduate students majoring in law stipulated by the Ministry of Education.lt is the basis for law undergraduates to study private international law and international economic law in the future. 2. Teaching purpose The purpose of teaching is to enable students to master the basic theories and principles of international law through theoretical study and analysis of a large number of cases, and to use them to analyze and judge various events in todays international society from the perspective of international law, enhance the concept of national sovereignty, learn to use the knowledge of international law to safeguard Chinas national interests and the overall interests of the international community, and promote the construction of a community of human destiny. IV. Teaching Contents and Requirements Chapter I Introduction to International Law THE NA TURE OFINTERNA TIONAL AND SOURCES OF INTERNALTIONAL LAW A. the purpose and requirements 1. Understand the concepts and characteristics of international law 2. Focus on the history of the emergence and development of international law 3. Focus on mastering the subject of international law 4. Focus on mastering the sources of international law 5. Understand the codification of international law 6. Understand the legal nature and validity basis of international law 7. Focus on the relationship between international law and domestic law 8. Understand the basic principles of international law 9. Focus on the contribution of Marxist classical writers to international law B. teaching content Section 1 Concepts of International Law 1. Concepts of international law 2. Characteristics of international law It is the law between states, not the law ab


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