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2021年暑假九年级英语阶段测试2021.8 测试内容Units9 满分120 姓名 得分 . 第一卷 选择题 共60分 一、单项选择。每小题1分,共20分。 1. I regretted with my parents. So I said sorry to them. They said that they wouldn, t be angry with me because they loved me so much. A. argueB. arguing C. to argue D. argued 2.She,s not strong enough walking up mountains. A. to go B. going C. go D. went 3. We were tired to walk on. So we asked the coach to stop walking to have a rest. A. very B. such C. so D. too 4. 一 What are you going to do this afternoon, Andy 一My hair is too long. I want to get my hair. A. cut B. to cut C. cuts D. cutting 5. What news it is We are all to hear the news. A. exciting; excitedB. exciting; exciting C. excited; excitingD. excited; excited 6. Mike, do you know which CDs belong to 一I have no idea. You may ask Alice. A. my B. ours C. us D. mine 7. Look There are some people after a thief. A. chase B. to chase C. chasing D. chased 8.Our teacher was very happy because failed the examination. A. somebody B. nobody C. anybody D. everybody 9. I don,t understand. 一r m sorry. But I was doing my homework. A. why you didn,t watch the football match B. why didn,t you watch the football match C. why you don,t watch the football match D. why don,t you watch the football match 10.I9 ve heard that Zhuhai Chimelong Ocean Kingdom is one of ocean parks in Asia. A. very large B. the larger C. much larger D. the largest 11. We prefer swimming rather than TV. A. to go; watch B. going; watching C. to go; watching D. going; watch 12. 一I missed the beginning of the concert. 一 The beginning was very wonderful. A. What a pity B. Good luck C. Congratulations D. Youre welcome. 13.The water was for several hours while the workers repaired the pipes. A. taken off B. shut off C. set off D. got off 14. 一Jim, how do your parents like country music 一 my dad my mom likes it. They both like country music. A .Either... orB. Not only... but also C. Neither... nor D. Because so 15. The red skirt my mother bought for me is made of cotton. A. that B. when C. who D. whose 16一The government stops kids under 18 a driver,s license. 一Yes. And it doesn,t allow after drinking, either. A. to get; to driveB. to get; driving C. getting; drivingD. getting; to drive 17. 一Will you go to the dinner party tonight 一I won,t go unless Sue . A. will be invited B. can be invited C. invitedD. is invited 18. Did you hear in your room 一No, I didn,t. A. anything unusualB. something unusual C. unusual anythingD. unusual something 19. A strange thing happened her last night, so she is afraid to stay at home alone tonight. A. at B. for C. with D. to 20.一These bananas are about 5 kilos total. Would you like to buy them 一Sure. How much are they A. for B. on C. in D. at 二、完型填空。每小题1分,共10分 Souanis Kim was an archery射箭teacher in a sports school and had trained many outstanding archers. So


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