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Unit 5 The power of nature单元过关训练(新人教版高中英语选修6) I. 单词拼写 1. Do you allow your son to travel in Europe alone this summer (绝对地)not. 2. The boy has the (潜能)to become a pianist, but unluckily, it has never been developed because of poverty. 3. With competition becoming severer and severer, nowadays, students are not(保证) jobs when they graduate from college. 4. The fear of all kinds of examinations can be a source of deep(焦虑)to many students. 5. She looks young, but(实际上)shes 50 years old. 6. The police car pulled up (在旁边). 7. Bill (挥手)his hand to us and then drove away. 8. She got into a(惊慌)when she found she had lost her necklace. 9. The Big Island is home to one of the most active volcanoes in the world. It has(爆 发)a total of 40 times since 1924. 10. We are considering(任命)him to act as secretary. 11. 完成句子 1. most of the women at that time, she was lucky because she could choose the one she loved the most, (compare) 和当时的大多数女士相比,她算是幸运的了,因为她能选择她最爱的。 2., she sat down and felt much more relaxed, (answer) 回答了老师的问题后,她坐了下来,感到无比轻松。 3. When I phoned him this morning, he for Hong Kong, (leave) 今天早上我给他打电话时,他正要动身去香港。 4. She worked on for two more days. Being exhausted, she and fell asleep soon, (make) 又忙了两天,她精疲力竭朝着床走去,并很快就睡着了。 5. when I get there (guarantee) 我去那儿你能保证我有工作吗 6., she published a series of papers on the famous artist Vincent Van Gogh, (appoint). 被任命为教授以后,她发表了几篇关于著名画家文森特梵高的论文。 7. The weather,, annoyed me very much, (vary) 这忽凉忽热的天气烦死我了。 8. 一How about eight oclock outside the cinema 一. (suit) 八点在电影院门口怎么样 对我很合适。 9. most mothers want their daughters to be a public servant, which is considered a stable and secure job. (report) 据报道,大多数母亲都想让自己的女儿当公务员,工作稳定、收入有保障。 10., he set about writing his next book, (settle) 在新房子里住下以后,他就开始写下一部书。 III. 完形填空 On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Clarke locked the door and went to the womens club as usual. It was a pleasant way of 1 time for an old woman who lived alone. When she came home she 2 something unusual. Had someone got in The back door and the windows were all locked and there was no 3 of forced entry. Had anything been taken She went from room to room, 4, and found her camera and spare watch missing. The following Thursday she went out at her 5 time, but didnt go to the club. Instead, she took a short walk in a park nearby and came home, letting herself in through the 6 door. She settled down to wait and see what would happen. It was 4 oclock when the front doorbell rang. Mrs. Clarke was 7 tea at the time. The bell rang again, and the next moment she 8 her letter-box being pushed open. Picking up the kettle of boiling water, she moved quietly towards the letter-box. A piece of 9 appeared through the letter-box, and then a hand. The wire turned and caught around the knob圆形旋钮on the door-lock. Mrs. Clarke 10 the kettle and poured the water over the hand. A 11 cry was heard outside as the wire 12 to the floor and the hand was pulled back, which was followed by the sou


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