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数字化和网络化是当今时代的显著特征,出版社在作为信息的加工者、传播者 的同时又是一个企业,它亟需借助信息技术突破传统运作模式,面对出版行业的 这种现状,本文针对经济管理出版社的具体需求,描述了 “书目信息管理”这一 系统的设计及实施方案,详细阐述了整个应用系统的设计思路。本系统帮助现代 出版社充分利用和挖掘出版资源,提高出版社运营效率,降低运营成本,通过网 络化和信息化的实现,结合网络运营的新型模式,高效、动态的管理出版社的图 书资源,并对外进行网络营销。本系统共分为三个模块书目信息管理、网络营 销系统、书目数据生成。其中书目管理包括对出版社书目的浏览、增加、修改、 各种方式的查询及分类管理等等;网络营销系统是通过对书目信息和客户信息的 有效管理,借助电子邮件群发功能来向客户进行图书宣传,可以根据模版自动插 入书目信息生成邮件;书目数据生成包括书目数据的导入导出及模版管理,可以 以多种模板实现书目数据库中的书目信息与Excel和word之间的转换。 关键词书目管理;网络营销;邮件群发;出版社 ABSTRACT The digitization and the network is the remarkable characteristic of the present era, the publishing house are not only the ination processors and disseminators but also an enterprise, it urgently need to breakthrough tradition operation pattern with the ination technology, facing this kind of present situation of the publication, this article described the project of the design and cution of the system which is called the book ination management system to meets the concrete need of the economical management publishing house, and elaborated the entire design of the application system in detail. This system help modem publishing house make full use of the publication resources and excavate the publication resources, enhances the efficiency of the publishing house, reduces the cost of the operation, manage the books resources of the publishing house effectively and dynamically by combines the web, ination and new operation pattern together, and carries on the external network marketing. This system has three modules Book ination management, online marketing system and book data generating. Book management includes the browsing, increasing, revision of the book ination, and it can search the book ination with kinds of condition, and it can carry out the classified management of the book ination. The network marketing system advertise the book by e-mail marketing through to the effective management of the book and customer ination, it can produce the e-mail with book ination according to the pattern plate automatically; book data generating can make the book ination in or out of the database, and convert the book ination to Excel or Word according to kinds of pattern plate. Key words Books management; Network marketing; Massive e-mail; Publishing house; 引言1 第一章系统概述2 1.1系统开发背景2 1.2系统国内外发展现状及开发意义2 1.3系统设计特点3 第二章系统分析4 2. 1系统可行性分析4 2. 1.1经济可行性4 2. 1.2技术可行性4 2. 1.3社会可行性4 2. 1.4 A员可行性5 2. 2系统开发原则5 2. 3系统需求分析5 2.3.1用户需求情况6 2. 4组织结构图与职能分析6 2. 4. 1经济管理出版社组织结构图6 2. 4. 2职能分析6 2. 5系统业务流程图与分析7 2.5.2业务流程分析8 2. 6系统数据流程图与分析10 2. 6.1系统数据流程图11 2. 6.2数据流程分析11 2. 7数据字典13 2. 7. 1 数据元素13 2.7.2数据结构14 2.7.3数据流15 2. 7. 4处理逻辑15 2.7.5数据存储16 2.7.6外部实体16 第三章系统设计17 3.1系统总体结构设计17 3. 2系统模块功能设计17 3.2.1书目管理模块的功能设计17 3. 2. 2网络营销模块的功能设计18 3. 2. 3数据生成模块的功能设计19 3. 2. 4系统管理模块的功能设计19 3. 3系统代码设计19 3. 4系统数据库设计20 3. 4. 1概念设计20 3.4.2系统物理结构设计22 3. 5系统输入、输出及界面设计26 3.5. 1输入设计26 3.5.2输出设计26 3.5.3界面


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