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Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music 课型新授课主备课人aaa授课时间 Section A (第一课时) 教学目标学会动词mind后接动名词的用法 教学重点1.单词not at all, turn down , yard , right away 2 重点Would you mind doing的用法 教学难点Would you mind doing的用法 教学流程(通过自主互动完成下列环节) 一、情感启动,导入新课(进一步明确本节课学习目标。不超过5,) 1. 进一步明确本节课学习目标2.学生跟录音机读本页单词 二、新知探究(从“生生互动”到“师生互动”不超过10) 根据图片完成la,推出重点句式Would you mind doing重点内容讲解 如下 1. Would you mind doing sth 或 Do you mind doing sth 用来客气地提出 请求,意思是你/你们好吗”,Would you mind not doing sth 或 Do you mind not doing sth 意思是请你/你们不要好吗”, 回 答这种问句要注意,不论用yes还是no ,都是针对mind (介意;在乎)的, 表示介意不 能满足对方的请求时,用Yes;表示不介意可以满足对方的请求时,用No; Not at all 或 All right;OK,I,ll/Well... Would you mind my putting my bag beside you 你介意我把包裹放在你旁边吗 Not at all. 一点也不。 Would you mind cleaning the desk 请你擦擦着桌子好吗 All right;OK,do it right now,好的,我马上擦。 Would you mind not turning off the light请你别关灯好吗 Sorry,IU1 turn it on for you .对不起,我给你打开。 Do you mind he closing the door你介意关上门吗 2. right away立亥J; 马上, 相当于 right now / at once / in a minute 我立刻去那。I,ll go there . 3. turn down 反义词 turn up Turn down the radio. (同意改写). 三、巩固练习(听、说、读、写训练不少于15,) 1. 根据图片完成la 2. 听录音完成lb (听原文跟读并翻译) 3. 利用所学内容,练习句型Would you mind doing 4. 写作练习,听写句子或汉译英。 四、反馈联动,释疑解难,(5,) 五、当堂检测练习册 页第 六巩固作业 一. 按要求完成句子 1. Would you mindthe door for me(单选) A. open B. opening C. openedD. to open 2. Can you help methe light(单选) A. turn on B. turning on C. turned on D. turns on 3. Look at the sign Save Water55 Remember to the water when you are washing your clothes , All right .1 will. A turn up B turn down C turn on D turn off 4. Would you mind (关掉音乐)(根据汉语完成 句子) 5.1911 do my homework(立刻).(根据汉语完成句子) 6. Would you mind open the door(该错) 二. 完成对话 A Would you mind watching TV this evening You have to help me .. B OK, aunt . I 11 the TV . What can I do for you A Could you your little cousin I have to get some milk for her・ B Surw ・my listening to muaic with my cousin A No ,・ F 11 be back . 三. 用括号中所给词适当形式填空 1. Would you mind (wash) the dishes 2. Could you please (feed) the animals 3. You have to (finish) your homework first 4. Can you hlpe me (make) dinner He says he (get) up in a minute. Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music 课型新授课 主备课人bb授课时间 Section A(第二课时) 教学目标学会动词mind后接动名词的用法 教学重点1.单词task , poster 2 重点Would you mind doing的用法 教学难点Would you mind doing和 Could you please do的用法 教学流程(通过自主互动完成下列环节) 一、情感启动,导入新课(进一步明确本节课学习目标。不超过5,) 1. 进一步明确本节课学习目标 2. 学生跟录音机读本页单词 二、新知探究(从“生生互动”到“师生互动”不超过10) 1. 听录音完成2a, 2b 2. 根据2a和2b推出重点词汇及句型,并讲解如下 精讲词汇 Could you please do 也常用来礼貌地提出请求,意思是你能 吗 / 请你好吗肯定回答常用Certainly; Sure; OK; No,problem,等。否定回 答常用Sorry Could you please washes the dishes 你能洗盘子 OK. I,ll do them in a minute,好的。我马上就洗它们。 Could you please carry the heavy bag for me 你能帮我提这个很重的包吗、’ No problem,没问题。 3. task, work和job三者都可以译为工作” tasks意为工作;任务”,没有职业”的意思,为可数名词,1 didn,t finish those tasks unti


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