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M公司石化操作员培训项目商业计划书 摘要 2016年以来随着公司行业竞争重点的转移,我国各个公司业在关注硬实力 的同时,越来越关注软实力。因此,企业文化的建设日渐提上议程。本文首先概 述企业文化的含义,结构,内容,特征及功能,然后结合国际国内的企业文化的 发展现状,指出我国当前企业人力资源管理过程中存在的误区和问题,并且选取 M公司作为例子,介绍M公司的企业文化,指出该企业文化的闪光点,并探讨 该企业人力资源管理中的不足,最后从激励体制,运营机制,管理作风,学习氛 围,服务理念,等方面提出企业人力资源管理的一些思考,凝聚力是企业的精神, 是企业生存发展,增强竞争力,实现既定目标的必要条件。科学管理企业的人力 资源是提高企业核心竞争力的关键,而绩效管理作为人力资源管理的重要手段, 在人员招聘,晋升,培训,奖励等方面发挥巨大作用。但在实施中往往不能落到 实处,更为突出的,问题就是绩效管理的合理问题,该问题已成为中小企业改革 中的,难点。提升员工凝聚力,实现M公司愿景和企业目标的良性发展,是企 业人力资源管理的根本所在。在新的文化理念指引下,企业如何提升员工凝聚力, 凝聚力是企业的精神,是维持企业生存发展,增强竞争力,实现既定目标的必要 条件。本文将具体分析如何将M公司的利益和绝大多数员工的利益统一起来, 起到精神激励的作用,将职工的积极性,主动性和创造性调动和激发出来,把人 们的潜在智慧迸发出来,使员工的能力得到充分发挥,提高企业文化。 关键字M公司;石化操作员培训;商业计划书 Abstract Since 2016 with the focus of the companys industry competition shift, the various companies in China concerned about the hard power industry, more and more attention to soft power. Therefore, the construction of corporate culture increasingly put on the agenda. This paper first summarizes the meaning, structure, content, features and functions of corporate culture, and then points out the misunderstanding and problems in the process of human resource management in our country, and chooses M Company as an example to introduce the current situation of corporate culture in the world. M companys corporate culture, pointing out that the corporate culture of the flash point, and explore the lack of human resources management in the enterprise, and finally from the incentive system, operational mechanism, management style, learning atmosphere, service concept, and other aspects of enterprise human resource management Some thinking, cohesion is the spirit of enterprise is the survival and development of enterprises, enhance competitiveness and achieve the necessary conditions for the established goals. Scientific management of enterprise human resources is the key to improve the core competitiveness of enterprises, and perance management as an important means of human resources management, personnel recruitment, promotion, training, incentives and so play a huge role. But in practice is often not implemented, more prominent, the problem is the rational management of the problem, the problem has become a small and medium enterprises in the re and difficult. Enhance staff cohesion and achieve M company vision and the sound development of business goals, enterprise human resources management is the fundamental. Under the guidance of the new cultural concept, how to enhance the staff cohesion, cohesion is the spirit of enterprise is to maintain the survival and development of enterprises, enhance competitiveness and achieve the necessary conditions for the established objectives. This paper will specifically analyze how to combine the interests of M company and the interests of the vast majority of employees, play the role of spiritual encouragement, mobilize and inspire the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the workers, and make peoples potential wisdom come out, The ability of employees t


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