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Assessment task 3 Outcome 3 3.1 Using all of the following quality improvement tools listed below explain how these are applied in a Total Quality Management environment. Also how they used by giving an example of each. benchmarking The concept of benchmarking management can be summarized as continuously seek and research the best peer company, and compared、analysisx judgment with the enterprise, so that make the own enterprise improve and catch up with the first- class company, create the cycle of good perance. Its core is learn from the industry or outside the optimal enterprise. Through the study, company can rethink and improve management practice, to create their own best practices. In the process of internationalization Zoomlion has created many miracles, and these are due to zoomlion strict require and persist for quality. Because of zoomlion make the best products of international as their benchmark. As is known to all, Japan is the world-famous manufacturing powerhouse, its engineering machinery product occupies the important position in the world. Not only that, Japan push the of protection to Chinese market. And is very strict to the products quality which are enter into Japans market. That is why the China construction machinery has entered the European and American markets but almost did not enter the Japanese market. And as early as September 2011, zoomlion has signed a contract with the principal DE company to buy 30 pump car. That means its manufacturing ability and level has been recognized by the Japan. This case shows that when entering the international market, zoomlion through benchmarking to improve the quality of their products, and earn the successful. cause effect diagrams Manpower、Machinery 、Engine valve putter Technical update x After-sales service Connection plate structure Figure 1 the cause and effect diagram of the crane arm fracture 、|Jide aualitv failures Cause and Effect Analysis was devised by professor Kaoru Ishikawa, a pioneer of qua lity management, in the 1960s. The technique was then published in his 1990 book, I ntroduction to Quality Control. Cause and Effect Analysis was originally developedas a quality control tool, but you can use the technique just as well in other ways. In allusion to the crane arm fracture, we use the cause and effect diagram to analysis, As the diagram shows that manpower、sx materials and machinery all has different problem. flow diagrams Figure 2 flow chat for after sale and repair. Flow chart or flow diagram is a diagram that visually displays interrelated ination such as events, steps in a process, functions, etc., in an organized fashion, such as sequentially or chronologically. Zoomlion has its own after-sales service system, they can provide door to door service and return to factory repair. histograms Figure 3 Histogram for Gear manufacturing The histogram is also called mass distribution, it is said the main a


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