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课堂45分钟课时高效精练人教版新课标选修6U4 Unit 4 Global warming I. 单词拼写 1. As a result of the snow, he drove just 280 kilometers in 5 hours, so the a speed was 56 kph. 2. Though he is less than one year old, he is strong enough to walk s 3. Snake s skin can be r 4. People who believe in God have no doubt about the e of God. 5. The p were observed by astronomers throughout the world. II. 短语翻译 1. 由于;由引起. 2. 产生;出现. 3. 和比起来. 4. 逐步建立;增加;增进. 5. 分解. III. 翻译句子 1.你有时间浏览一下他的报告吗 glance 2.它将使动物的分布区域更广。encourage; a range of 3. 你们所在地区冬季的平均气温是多少 average 4. 我们厂每年都生产出大量的钢制产品。quantities of 5. 他没有灰心,还在继续努力。keep on IV. 单项填空 从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. Let there be no doubt ,though I disagree to the plan in some way, I 11 carry it out faithfully. A. that B. what C. if D. as 2. A. rise up B. bring down C. go up D. raise 3. Hibernating animals have stored fat in their bodies during the summer and Do you think that prices of vegetables will autumn. A. a good many B. supplies of C. a large quantities of D. a few 4. Some warm-blooded animals life in winter their normal body temperature. A. live active; to keep off B. lead an active; to keep out C. live an active; to keep on D. lead an active; to keep up 5. 一Can you shoot that bird at the top of the tree No. It s out of A. range B. reach C. control D. distance 6. Although he felt sad about his failure, John managed to his tears. A. keep on B. keep up C. keep off D. keep back 7. Large quantities of oil in a place near my hometown recently. A. has discovered B. have discovered C. has been discovered D. have been discovered 8. This play, , is very wonderful there are many interesting characters in it. A. out of the question B. on the whole C. in doubtD. under no condition 9. It s the present situation in poor areas that much higher spending on education and training. A. answers for B. provides for C. calls for D. plans for 10. 一I think I m coming down with a bad cold. A. Oh, don t say that again B. Then you d better see a doctor C. Well, I suggest you have a rest D. But you should go up a bit V. 完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A friend and I were standing in line at the grocery store the other day, and I was telling her how 1 my children were. I had come in after work that morning, and like most times, my house was wrecked(破坏的). “I believe children nowadays are just out for what they can get. I bend over backwards for them, and they 2_even help me keep our house clean. It wouldn t bother me so, 3 it s the woman who looks bad if the house is in a mess. Do you know how 4 you are a woman behind us 5 . “I would love to go home and find my house a mess. I wouldn t mind my carpets being ruined or the dishes left_6. I wouldn t mind the dirty clothes being 7 high or many socks to_8. I wouldn t 9 mind anyone talking about my dirty home.


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