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[整合]高中英语完型填空题型训练题(含答案)(10篇) 一、完型填空 1. Its amazing how one dollar can change the culture of a school. We have a ] school of about 30 students.lt is really full of competition and pressure as most of the kids get good 2 and try to be the best ones.Its good except that a lot of us middle kids felt really 3 .We got the feeling that we were so selfishits every man for himself. 4 , my friend and I set out to find a way to change the culture.We thought doing things for others was the only way to 5 our depression(沮丧)about school. On the first day of school we put a 6 folded into a heart into one of the leaders lockers with a piece of paper that 7 , Buy yourself a snack. We hoped to give away small gifts every day.We didnt know the 8 it would have. People went 9 over it and everyone was talking about who it might be doing the acts of kindness and 10 that they should do something too.lt is so much fun to see the 11 on everyones faces now Lots of other people have started sharing 12 now too chocolate bars, cookies and money left on purpose in the vending machine(自动售货机). And lots of notes are on the thanks board saying Thanks to whoever started/ Now I actually expect to go to school to have the chance to 13 people up.I hope kindness will 14 to other schools.If anybody is struggling with being 15 at school and work, I totally suggested doing acts of kindness. 1. A. small B. large C. lovely D. terrible 2. A. grades B. books C. results D. teachers 3. A. interested B. satisfied C. pressured D. embarrassed 4. A. In return B. In charge C. In response D. In anger 5. A. deal with B. live with C. come up with D. keep up with 6. A. paper B. gift C. dollar D. ticket 7. A. wrote B. said C. told D. printed 8. A. problem B. opinion C. effect D. attitude 9. A. wild B. sad C. angry D. peaceful 10. A. regretting B. disagreeing C. doubting D. deciding 11. A. tears B. pain C. smiles D. terror 12. A. happiness B. selfishness C. kindness D. sadness 13. A. bring B. cheer C. speed D. hold 14. A. spread B. refer C. react D. take 15. A. ignored B. concerned C. confused D. depressed 【答案】 1. A 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. D 11. C 12. C 13. B 14. A 15. D 2. Thomas Crum, living in a toy school, was a boy made from plasticine (橡皮泥).He 1 showed respect for others. Thomas always went round the classroom 2 his drum, and the fact that he was annoying others didnt 3 him in the least. His classmates had had enough of this. Coco Wiseman, a very clever boy made of lego (乐高积 木), 4 some special earplugs (耳塞)to block out the annoying sounds, Upon seeing that, Thomas immediately got very 5 with Coco Wiseman. They had a fight, by chance, the inventor 6 falling from the table to the floor into pieces. Though it was a(n) 7 , everyone was unhappy with Thomas. 8 wanted anything more to do with him. But a few days later, a cuckoo clock was put in the 9 , just next to the shelf Thomas sle


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