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XXX小学校英语学科导学案 课 题(上海版五年级下册)Unit 8 Buying clothes 授课班级五年级(二)班 主备人 XXX 授课时间 授课人 XXX 、教材预读 预读内容 具体要求 学习目标 1. Use the key pattern Which dress do you like, the blue one or the pink one I like the pink one. Skillfully. 2. Apply the key patterns in the real life. At the clothes shop 3. Know about some traditional clothes in different countries. 学习重点 1 use the key pattern Which dress do you like, the blue one or the pink one I like the pink one. 2. make your own dialogues according to Ask and answer 学习难点 How to use the key pattern Which dress do you like, the blue one or the pink one I like the pink one. 学法指导 Listen to the tape and follow to read 教学时数 One Period two 、有效课堂 导学流程 导学内容 设计意图 预习指导 1. 说唱歌谣 2. 请写出你学过的表示衣服的单词 3. 教师领读以上词汇,并通过歌谣复 习上节课学过的新词。 复习所学过的表示衣服 的词汇,为接下来的任务 例shoes, shoes, a pair of shoes Shoes, shoes, small shoes Which pair of shoes do you like Which pair of shoes do you like I like the small one. I like the small one. 做准备。 创设情境 T What do you usually do at the weekend通过问学生周末活动引出 买衣服的话题,告诉学生Kitty 一家 要去商店买衣服。 创设真实情境,让学生感 受真实生活。 合作交流 1. Pair work两人一组,看图片,用 Which... do you like, the...one or the...one I like the ... one.进行练习。 2. Ask and answer on page 56 in pairs. 3. Individual work 1 listen for the first time and tick on page 53 2 listen for the secod time and answer the questions QI What does Kitty want to buy She wants to buy a dress. Q2 What does Ben want to buy He wants to buy a pair of trousers. Q3 Which pair of trousers does Ben like, the white one or the brown one He likes the brown one. 3 listen and follow to read. 小组合作练习句型,为对 话做准备。 再次练习句型 通过课文的学习掌握重 点句型。 互动拓展 1. Act the conversation in groups. 2. Make conversations in groups like this 通过表演课文对话,熟练 掌握并运用重点句型。 A Can I help you B I want a new . A Which do you like, the one or the one B The one, please. A Here you are Its your size. B Ill try on the . How much A yuan. B Here you are. A Thank you. B Youre welcome. 通过真实语境,亲自动手 操作,并用自己带来的衣 服和钱进行购物,不仅提 高学生兴趣,还能更快地 掌握运用句型,感受真实 语境。 检测巩固 一、看图,写出下面服装的名称。 曲* 通过练习,掌握本单元词 汇和句型。 R兔 T 1 二、用“a, the, a pair of, /填空。 1. My mother has blue sweater and _orange blouse. 2. Her brother, Jim has got new shirt and pants. 3. Tims friend is wearing white shirt and new jeans today. 4. Which dress do you like, pink one or blue one 5. Kitty and her mother are at clothes shop. They are looking at dresses. 三、单项选择 1. Which coat do you like, the pink one the yellow one A or B andC but 2. What are you doing at the clothes shop Fm . A making a cakeBdoingmy homeworkCbuying a dress 3. Theresome shirts and T-shirts on the shelf. A areB isC have 4. This pair of trousers too small. A areB isC / 5. toy do you like The big one on the window. A Which B What C Where 归纳总结 1. 请一位同学总结本节课学到的知 识。 2. 播放有关不同国家传统服饰的一 个微课。 学生自己总结,加深印象


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