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摘要 随着我国城市化进程的不断加快,城市社会经济发展水平不断提高,许多 城市的社会经济也得到了飞速发展,城市综合实力不断提高,城市地位不断突 出,与此同时,许多城市的机动车拥有量也在不断快速增长,随之而来的停车 问题愈发严重。而停车管理效率低下是造成这些问题的重要原因之一。由于 长期以来在大部分等城市,政府和市民对静态交通普遍重视不够,且中等城市 停车管理体制不够健全、停车管理力度不够大,且缺乏强有力的惩戒措施,导 致广大市民对城市停车管理理念认识不够,守法遵章停车意识淡薄,违章停车 现象严重,对城市动态交通效率造成了严重的影响。现状的城市停车收费管理 政策及措施已经不能适应城市交通经济的发展,函待展开深入研究。 本文选取本人生活的y市区为研究范围,从五个方面研究了 y市区停车 收费管理问题。第一部分概述了研究目的及意义,以及国内外有关停车收费 的研究现状。第二部分阐述了机动车停车收费管理的相关理论。第三部分分 析了 y市区机动车停车收费管理的现状,包括y市区停车收费的现行政策分 析、定价机制、管理手段等方面,并基于停车者的行为需求和停车收费进行 了实证调查,分析了停车收费管理存在的问题及成因。第四部分介绍了国外 和国内其它城市停车收费管理的相关内容,同时总结其特色,包括制定完备 的停车法规和停车产业扶持政策,建设完善的配套设施,提高公共交通利用 率,引入民间资本等。第五部分提出完善y市区停车收费管理的建议,主要 包括加强规划建设,发展停车产业;建立协调机制,形成监管合力;运用价 格杠杆,调节停车矛盾;运用科技手段,促进管理职能信息化;加快发展城 市公交,提高公交出行分担率等。 关键词停车场停车收费定价机制 Abstract Along with our country city and urbanization process accelerating, the economic development level of city society continues to improve, many of the citys economy has been developing rapidly, continuously improve the comprehensive strength of the city, city status has been outstanding, at the same time, many of the citys motor vehicle ownership is also growing rapidly, and the parking problem has become more serious. The low efficiency of parking management is one of the important reasons for these problems. For a long time in most other city, the government and the public on the static traffic generally inadequate attention, and parking management system is not perfect, medium city parking management is not big enough, and the lack of strong disciplinary measures, leading to the general public on the city parking management awareness is not enough, the law compliance parking consciousness, illegal parking phenomenon is serious. Serious impact on city dynamic traffic efficiency. The status quo of urban parking management policies and measures have been unable to adapt to the development of urban traffic economy. In this paper, I choose the life of Yangzhou city as the research area, from five aspects of the Yangzhou urban parking management issues. The first part outlines the purpose and significance of the research, as well as domestic and foreign research status of parking fees. The second part describes the theory of motor vehicle parking management. The third part analyzes the present situation of Yangzhou urban motor vehicle parking management, analysis, the current policy including the Yangzhou city parking pricing mechanism, management s, and the existing parking management problems and causes. The fourth part introduces the related content of other countries and domestic city parking management, and summarizes its characteristics, including the development of a complete parking and parking industry support policy, to improve the construction of supporting facilities, improve the utilization rate of public transport, the introduction of private capital etc.. The fifth part puts forward the Yangzhou city parking management recommendations, including strengthening the planning and construction, the development of the


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