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Unit 5 The power of nature I .单词拼写 1. Let me see all the official documents (文件)concerning the sale of the land. 2. The old man sold that large house and moved into a small bungalow (平房). 3. The area is flooded, as frequently happens during the typhoon (台风). 4. The child was frightened to death by the violent thunderstorm (雷暴). 5. The first shot (射击)missed my head by just a few inches. 6. A bomb exploded in the village, causing panic (恐慌)among people. 7. Basic human rights are now guaranteed (保障)in our country. 8. He was a bit anxious (担心的)about the safety of his daughter. II .多项选择 1 ・ Five young men were arrested yesterday because they had seven endangered animals. A. rescuedB. conquered C. shotD. shut 解析选C。shoot的意思是“射中;射伤。rescue “援救;营救”;conquer “征服; 占领;shut关上;闭上;关闭,常指关闭门窗。句意昨天五个年轻人被逮捕,因为 他们射死了七只濒临绝种的动物。 2. There was a(n)moment when the plane suddenly dropped. A. anxiousB. eager C. worriedD. keen 解析选A。句意当飞机突然下落时,那是令人担心的时刻。anxious着急的;担 忧的;worried 感到担心的。 3. Buying a train ticket two days ahead of time will usually you a good seat. A. getB. gather C. guaranteeD. make 解析选C。句意提前两天订票通常会确保你有一个好的座位。guarantee确保; 保证”。 4. People ran out of the hotel inwhen it caught a big fire. A. hurryB. panic C. embarrassedD. anger 解析选B。句意当旅馆起火时,人们惊慌地跑了出来。in panic 恐慌地;惊慌地”, 符合句意。其他选项不符合语境。 5. How much will I pay for a night Prices from room to room. A. varyB. increase C. divideD. range 解析选Ao vary a使不同;变化;increase 增加;divide 划分;range 在 范围内变化。句意住一晚我需要付多少钱 “价格因房间不同而不同。 6. Chen Ming didnt even his paper before he handed it in, so there were many mistakes in his paper. A. glance through B. look up C. watch over D. come across 解析选A。考查短语意义辨析。句意陈明在交论文之前甚至都没有粗略地看一遍, 因此他的论文中有很多错误。glance through 浏览;粗略地看,符合语境。lookup 查 找;watch over 照顾;监督;come across 偶然遇.见。 III. 介、副词填空 1. Could you glance through this letter and see if it*s alright 2. The heights of the plants vary from 8 cm to 20 cm. 3. The Rockies are home to bears and mountain lions. 4. It was the study of history that gave birth to the social sciences. 5. The team have worked hard and their efforts have been rewarded with success. 6. The heavy snowfall had taken us all by surprise. IV. 完成句子 1. He hurried to the station, 011垃_知」。told that the train had left.only 他匆忙赶到车站,结果被告知火车已经离开了。 2. A number of paintings in this castle are believed to jiave been destroyed in a fire in 2009. destroy 大家认为城堡中的大量油画在2009年的一次火灾中被毁了。 3. Tom is said to be travellinz in Africa, but no one really knows how soon he will be back, travel 据说汤姆正在非洲旅游,但没人知道他多久才回来。 4. All ination is believed tQ be_reliable.reliable 据信所有的信息都是可靠的。 5. He is painting a picture of someone that|gaid*o be a great man.say 他正在绘制据说是一位伟人的肖像。


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