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草拓达标 基础落实 I .用所给词的适当形式填空 1. fortune, the fire was discovered soon after it started. 2. Children have a naturalcurious about the world around them. 3. Thedeath dog finallydeath. 4. She did notconnection the two events in her mind. 5. You will bepunishment for what you have done. 6. People in that area have beenwarning of the storm. 7. You arerequirement by law to wear seat belts. 8. I haven t started writing the article yetI m still waiting forinspire. 9. She hasdevotion herself to caring for the poor. 10. We have received hundreds of jobapply. II .完成句子 1. At the end of the meeting, it was announced that已经达成协议 了. 2. The river is wide也彳艮深. Take care when you swim in it. 3. He与无关that car accident.He was at home then. 4. The police在寻找一个小偷in the village. 5. 进入大楼,Mary heard a cry coming out of it, which brought her heart to her mouth. III .单项填空 1. Playing on a frozen sports field sounds like a lot of fun.Isn t it rather risky, A. thoughB. alsoC. eitherD. too 2. He moved to Germany in when he was in. A. the late 1990s; his sixties B. late 1990 s; his sixties C. the late 1990 s; his sixty D. late 1990s; his sixties 3. Some of you may have finished Unit One., you can go on to Unit Two. A. If you mayB. If you do C. If notD. If so 4. In spite of failing to save every endangered species, we may preserve the majority extinction. A. over B. out of C. off D. from 5. We re at the news that Saddam was sentenced to death. A. amazing;amazedB.amaze; amazing C. amazed;amazingD.amazed; amazed 6. John plays football, if not better than David. A. as wellB.as well as C.so wellD.so well as 7. People have always been about exactly how life on earth began. A. curiousB.excited C.anxiousD.careful 8. The man who is knownus is known a great scientist. A. to; toB.as; as C.to; asD.to; far 9. It s learned from the Public Security Ministry that in 2007,327,209 road accidents occurred, 81,649 deaths. A.resulted inB.resultingin C.resulted fromD.resultingfrom 10. picking up the phone, I recognized her voice. A.UponB.With C.AsD.Over 能力提升 阅读理解 A When Frida Kahlo s paintings were on show in London, a poet described her paintings as a ribbon(丝带)around a bomb. Such comments seem to suggest Kahlo had a big influence on the art world of her time.Sadly, she is actually a much bigger name today than she was during her time. Born in 1907 in a village near Mexico City, Kahlo suffered from polio(小儿麻痹症)at the age of seven.Her spine(脊柱)became bent as she grew older.Then, in 1925, her back was broken in several places in a schoolbus accident.Throughout the rest of her life, the artist had many operations, but nothing was able to cure the terrible pain in her back.However, the accident had an unexpected side effect.While lying in her bed recovering, Kahlo taught herself to paint. In 1929, she got married to Diego Rivera, another famous Mexican artist.R


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