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Unit 4 Cyberspace Lesson2每课一练 北师大版必修2 [限时40分钟] I .多项选择 1. In spite of the song*s popularity, the band it from their new album as they failed to find one who would sing it well enough. A. deleted B. concluded C. kept D. included 2. I admit I made a lot of mistakes in the work, and I will responsibility for them. A. assume B. decline C. accept D. secure 3. As there is less and less coal and oil, scientists are exploring new ways of making use of energy, such as sunlight, wind and water for power and fuel. A. primary B. alternative C. instant D. unique 4. The number of those missing in the New Zealands earthquake was reported more than 200, including those discovered bodies that have yet to be. A. judged B. recognized C. identified D. confirmed 5. The invention of the computer may help to the development of the economy all over the world. A. assign B. accelerate C. accumulate D. accommodate 6. What we need to do for the Chinese civilization is not to lie on past glories, but to and around. A. look forward B. look up C. look ahead D. look into 7. Your anger suggests that you are seriously the woman, and you need to find out why. A. put up with B. fed up with C. kept up with D. came up with 8. The longer the delay, the more likely it is that ination obtained after the event will mix with the original memory, which reduces. A. accuracy B. assumption C. identification D. significance 9. After three weeks* adjustment to the new environment, he managed to accustom himself to be more with people. A. in relief B. at ease C. in peace D. at stake 10. Children are taught to respect everyone,race, sex or age. A. in terms of B. in face of C. regardless of D. in place of 11. 阅读理解 The two thingssnow and mountainswhich are needed for a ski area are the two things that cause avalanches(雪崩),large mass of snow and ice crushing down the side of a mountain一often called White Death. It was the threat of the avalanche and its record as a killer of man in the western mountains that created the snow ranger. He first started on avalanche control work in the winter of 1937-38 at Alta, Utah, in Wasatch National Forest. This mountain valley was becoming well known to skiers. It was dangerous. In fact, more than 120 persons had lost their lives in 1936 and another 200 died in 1937 as a result of avalanches before it became a major ski area. Thus, development of Alta and other major ski resorts in the west was dependent upon controlling the avalanche. The Forest Service set out to do it, and did, with its corps(团队)of snow rangers. It takes many things to make a snow ranger. The snow ranger must be in excellent physical condition. He must be a good skier and a skilled mountain climber. He should have at least a high school education, and the more college courses in geology, physics, and related fields he has, the better. He studies snow, terrain, wind, and weather. He learns the conditions that produce avalanches. He learns to for


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