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Unit 4 P2教学设计 Introduction In this period students will be rewriting the text PLANT EXPLORATION IN THE 18TH AND 19TH CENTURIES first. Then they shall go on to learn about verbs with the direct object and indirect object. At the end they may be given a test. Objectives ■ To help students rewrite the text learned ■ To help students learn about verbs with the direct object and indirect object ■ To help students use some words Procedures 1. Warming up by writing, by imitation, a passage of your own based on the text PLANT EXPLORATION IN THE 18TH AND 19TH CENTURIES A possible version for reference The stamps in my collection look so familiar that often I do not realize that many of them actually come from countries far away. Collecting exotic stamps, as they are called, dates back to my primary school days. My father saw the value of bringing back stamps from distant countries. The first stamp collecting activity recorded in my diary then was around 1988 when the company sent my father away to Japan to study gardening. However, it was not until 2000 that the collection of exotic stamps began on a large scale. My mother had become interested in stamp collecting and my classmates took great interest in collecting foreign stamps. This attraction to exotic stamps grew as my classmates, like the older students in my school, moved into other classes or other schools. They took the opportunity of going on stamp expeditions, often facing many difficulties including money shortage, time pressure, parents complaints and heavy workload. An important group of collectors were Class Three girls who, by the middle of 2001, were beginning to study in the US. One such girl, Guo Aixing, was enrolled into New York College in 2002. She collected stamps of trees and bushes including those of the Tree of Heaven. Just before she left college, she sent some Tree of Heaven stamps to China. They arrived on 10, April, 2003 and these stamps from New York were put on exhibition throughout my city and later, in 2004, the stamps were sold to a rich man. Li Qing was a very famous British stamp collector, who accompanied his mother, a doctor, on her first voyage from China to Britain. The purpose of the trip for her mother was to take photos of sea life she came across. Li Qing and his mother collected foreign stamps whenever they met a foreigner on the ship. During the voyage, they collected vast quantities of stamps on the ship known as Red Flag. None of these stamps had been recorded by Chinese before. Li Qing called the bay where Red Flag had anchored Stam Bay. Keeping stamps neat and safe at home is an enormous challenge. Large numbers of stamps need much space at home and much care by the owner. The idea of stamp collection was completely changed with the invention of Internet. This invention allowed exotic stamps to be seen easily. In 2006, I found 312 very valuable exotic stamps online. I chatted with the owner and bought them for only 5, 000 yuan 2. Disco


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