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北京四中小升初英语考试模拟试题 一、单项选择20分 1.There are two _____ in our school. A.library B.libraries. C.librarys 2.There aren’t _____ apples in the basket, but there are some on the table. A.some B.any C.a 3.Is there a dining hall in your school __________ A.Yes,there are. B.No,there is. C.Yes,there is. 4.Look,my grandmother is _____ my grand father. A.on the left of B.next C.on the right of 5.Have you got a dictionary _______________ A.Yes,I do. B.Yes,I got C.Yes,I have. 6.Where are _____ They are on the chair. A.Tonys books B.Tonys book C.Tony books 7.He ______ any aunts or uncles. A.doesnt has got B.havent got C.hasnt got 8.How many computers _____ in your classroom There are two. A.are there B.are you have C.does you have 9.Where _____ you _____ Im from Beijing. A.are, from B.do, from C.are, come 10._____ is a doctor.What about _____ father A.His,your B.Her, your’s C.His,you 11.There are _____ students in our class.That is 19 boys and 21 girls。 A.forty B.fourty C.fourteen 12.Juice and water are healthy drinks,_____ Coke isnt healthy drink. A.and B.but C.or 13.Can I have _____ water A.these B.some C.one 14.Lingling is in __________. A.Class Four,Grade One B.Grade One,Class Four C.Class four,grade one 15.Whats your _____ fruit A.very like B.favourite C.much like 16.She cant ________ in the lake. A.swimming B.swiming C.swim 17. There __________ a cat and two dogs in my home. A.be B.is C.are 18. He _____ hamburgers. A.like eat B.likes eating C.like to eats 19. The office building _____ the classrooms. A.behind B.behinds C.is behind 20.__________ there any apples in the kitchen A.Have B.Be C.Are 二、智力测验5分 21.Paris is the capital of __________. A.the USA B.the UK C.France D.Australia 22.About ________ percent of the earths surface is covered with water. A.29 B.82 C.71 D.100 23.A car travels at a rate of 50 miles per hour.How long will it take to travel 300 miles A.250hours B.6hours C.1/6hours D.15000hours 24.Beijing Olympic Games are the __________ modem Olympic Games. A. B. C. D. 25.The number of seconds in one day _____ The number of minutes in one week A. B. C. D.We dont know 三、完形填空10分 NBA is the most famous basketball game in the world.There_____ 26_____ a Chinese player in this game.His name is Yao Ming.He is _____27 _____ player in this game。In his spare time,Yao _____28_____cars. On last Christmas,he drove _____ 29 _____ old car to visit one of his _____ 30 _____.On his way, he _


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