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毕业设计论文外文资料翻译 系 别 光电信息系 专 业 测控技术与仪器 班 级 B090102 姓 名 马丽娜 学 号 36 外文出处 Spriger Link 附 件 1. 原文; 2. 译文 3月 Based on single chip microcomputer intelligent street light control system 【 abstract 】 A street light automatic control system design,combined with the control,electric lamp switch control function;And street lamp fault detection and fault street lamp according to the function of the number. Use on STC 89C51 as the core Control unit;Using DS1302 clock chip to control the point open to turn off the lights when street lamps;By a photosensor complete collection of ambient light and street light fault detection,so as to realize the number of optically controlled open to turn off the lights and fault street lamp display. This system Can through the RS - 232 communication port with the street light control room of the upper machine communication. 【key words】STC 89C51;Clock chip DS1302;photosensor Introduction For the most part at present domestic cities and regions of the street lamp Lighting adopts electric control,time control and single point of electrons Control,maintenance management and manual inspections and the masses The traditional way,because of the lack of scientific and effective monitoring Means,large area lighting during the day,night not large area Light phenomenon occurs frequently,often cant find and in a timely manner Processing,not only caused power resources,human resources Cost,improve the operating costs of the system and to citizens Life bring inconvenience. Intelligent road lighting system can according to different area Domain of different functional requirements,at different times and different every day Natural light or under different traffic flow conditions,the press According to a specific setting,realize dynamic wisdom of road lighting Can management,namely the TPO management TIME/PLACE,TIME Location/OCCASION occasions. Intelligent road lighting Control system,through the comprehensive consideration and analysis and road Ming is closely related to the intensity of illumination time,road,environment and hand it in Scene control s of factors such as flow rate,in the microcomputer According to the preset control strategy,the road lighting into action Street lamp intelligent management and control in different conditions normally In different states implement diversified road lighting scene,To improve the quality of lighting at the same time get the best section Can effect. 1. The system hardware design Control circuit mainly to light,temperature signal acquisition,data computing and analysis,and control of street lamp driver circuit according to the results of the operation. Circuit must have MD conversion function,adopt STCl2C5608AD single chip microcomputer as control unit,the single-chip computer as


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