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初次使用此软件朋友,看了猫版简介,再加上这个指南文献,上手应当很轻松了。 献给某些英文比我还糟朋友,呵呵 Using this tutorial 如何使用此指南 This tutorial is meant to be used as a step-by-step guide to certain operations in TuneLab Pro. 本指南将一步一步指引您在TuneLab Pro中操作. Many of these operations involve the keyboard.有相称一某些操作涉及到键盘使用。 However,the keys that you press when this tutorial is displayed do not always go to TuneLab Pro.然而,当此协助页面显示时,您按下键盘键并不总是可以回到TuneLab Pro操作界面。 In fact,every time you call this tutorial and every time you click in it,the tutorial acquires the focus of the keyboard.事实上,每当您查看本指南或者在本指南显示区域内操作鼠标时,焦点总是被当前指南页面获得。 To make the keys go to TuneLab Pro,you need to give the focus back to TuneLab Pro. 要想使用键盘来控制TuneLab Pro操作,您需要使焦点回到TuneLab Pro界面中。 You can do that by clicking anywhere inside the TuneLab Pro window. 您可使用鼠标点击TuneLab Pro窗口来实现。 Remember to do that whenever the instructions in this tutorial call for using the keyboard.当执行本指南中使用键盘操作时,记得上述提示。 The contents list shows the tutorial topics. 目录列出本指引主题。 Some topics require several pages. 某些主题包括了几页内容。 These topics can be viewed by using the --Next-- link at the bottom of a topic. 可使用页面底部NEXT链接来进行翻页查看。 If this help window gets in the way of some part of the TuneLab Pro screen,then you can click and drag the title bar of the tutorial window to move it out of the way. You can even resize the help window by dragging at the borders.若此协助窗口遮挡了TuneLab Pro主窗口,您移动此窗口或拖拽边框变化大小。 Although this tutorial is focused primarily on how to do certain things,you can also find out why we do these things.尽管此指南已覆盖了大某些重要操作内容,您仍可以进一步得到这些内容解释。 Click on the links in the text that say Why and learn more about the operation being described.点击文本中“Why”以得到更多操作描述。 These topics show only the simplest way to do the operations shown. For more in-depth coverage of any topic,see the Help Topics in the Help menu in TuneLab Pro. 本指南仅指出了所列举操作最简朴方式,要得到理为详尽协助主题,请参阅主程序协助菜单。 -----Selecting notes-----选取音 uMake sure the keyboard caps lock is off Why. 确认键盘caps lock在关闭状态(If you select notes by pressing upper case versions of A-G,you will get the sharp version of these notes. To make sure you get the naturals,use only lower case. 如果为大写状态,您会选取带音) Press the B key.按B键, Note how the current note is now B. 注意当前音显示是B,The octave number after the B remains unchanged. 八度序号数没有变化。 Press the 3 key.按3键, Note how the current note is now B3.注意当前音显示为B3。 uPress the right arrow key several times. 按几下右方向键, Note how the current note goes up one note at a time. 可注意到当前音每次上行一种。 Press the left arrow key. Note how the current note goes down one note at a time.按左方向键,可看到当前音每次下行一种。 uPress the Pg-Up or Pg-Dn keys. Note how the octave number goes up or down one octave at a time.八度序数每次上行或下行一种。 uHold the shift key and press the right arrow key to enable automatic note switching WhyYou enable auto note switching so that you can operate TuneLab Pro without touching the computer. 设立为自动切换方式您可以不用接触计算机来操作TuneLab Pro。TuneLab Pro listens to the notes you play and when it hears that you are pla


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