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PROCEDURES continued Practice i Then, again using floats if available, the children will try two widths or lengths using arm action only. This is quite difficult and encouragement should be given. Summary and Questions j The instructor will then summarize the ination given on the arm stroke and ask a few questions. At this stage the arm stroke and the leg kick will be brought together and children will try a few widths while concentrating on both. The instructor will give advice and encouragement. The better pupils will at this stage be doing lengths while the others will to widths. This break down instructions should last 35 to 40 minutes. The final 20 minutes will be used for a few games. There should be a selection from the following 1. A handicap race. 2. A diving competition. 3. A hunt for spoons thrown into the pool. 4. A relay race or any other fun event which doesn’t promote too much noise and is safe. It cannot be stressed heavily enough how important safety is in this activity. The instructor must be aware of the need for constant and effective monitoring of all children. Children may need encouragement to participate and they also need positive feedback at each stage. STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES DEPARTMENT ACTIVITIES JOB CATEGORY EQUIPMENT SUPERVISOR HEAD G. M. APPROVAL DATE TASK CARRYING OUT THE CHILDREN’S QUIZ STANDARD EACH EMPLOYEE WILL HAVE A KNOWLEDGE OF THE ACTIVITY AND THE ABILITY TO CARRY IT OUT PROCEDURE The children’s quiz is an activity which may be used as an alternative to the talent show, or as a wet weather activity. The emphasis will be on enjoyment. Introduction 1. Take children to the area. 2. Arrange them in teams. 3. Assemble scoreboard. 4. Explain rules and sequence of rounds. 5. Invent team names and elect captains. Content 6. Begin by having a general round of questions. 7. Then have a few theme rounds such as, questions for different age groups, for boys, for team captains etc. 8. The next round would be a mastermind round, highlighting one from each team. 9. The fourth round could involve participation – perhaps singing a song or running forward with an answer or some other of participation. 10. The next round could be the ‘talking for a minute’ round. Different rounds could be added depending on the levels and interests of the children. Maximum participation should be encouraged at all times. The event durations one hour and the rounds should be planned so as to end on time with enough time for an announcement of winners and a clear conclusion. The success of the event would depend entirely on the instructor and his/her ability to improvise effectively. STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES DEPARTMENT ACTIVITIES JOB CATEGORY EQUIPMENT SUPERVISOR HEAD G. M. APPROVAL DATE TASK CARR


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