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XXXX学院 毕业设计(论文) C语言在线教学系统设计和实现 学 院 专 业 班 级 学 号 学生姓名 指导老师 3月 摘 要 伴随Internet技术发展,大家学习生活已经离不开网络。未来社会大家生活和学习将越来越依靠于数字技术发展,越来越数字化、网络化、电子化、虚拟化。Internet发展历程和现在应用情况和发展趋势,能够充足地相信网络技术将极大改变我们生活和工作方法,甚至社会价值观也会发生某种改变。 本设计尝试用VS在网络上架构一个C语言在线教学系统,以使每一位学生不用出门进教室,在家里就能够经过上网来轻松学习。本文从理论和实践两个角度出发,对一个含有数据挖掘功效C语言在线教学系统进行设计和实现分析。论文首先较为详尽地介绍了面向对象分析和设计相关概念和技术,尤其深入介绍了在本系统中利用到知识,如面向对象分析设计步骤;系统中所用到开发技术VS特点、结构框架和使用方法。接着对课程系统可行性进行了分析,然后对系统设计思想、设计目标和系统整体结构进行了明确计划。最终对系统关键页面、数据库、应用程序设计和实现作了较为具体讲解。 本C语言在线教学系统系统是利用Visual Studio 技术来实现。其关键功效有用户管理,查看文件,分类查找,视频播放,课件下载,留言板,教学纲领,讲课计划,网站管理等。论文在撰写过程中,努力争取将理论和实践应用相结合,对多种理论进行叙述同时配合系统从实际应用和操作技巧上加以说明,期望能够更充足地表现到这些知识和技术在本系统中应用和实现。 【关键词】面向对象分析和设计,VS,视频播放,在线教学 Abstract Along with the development of Internet technology, daily life can not already do without the network. The life and work of the social people of future will depend on the development of digital technology more and more ,Digitize more and more, the networking, electronic, virtual. Development course and present application state and development trend of Internet, can believe network technology great change life and working way of us fully, Even a certain change will take place in the values of the society. This procedure tries to build up a bookshop in the network with ASP.NET, So that every customer neednt go out and can do shopping easily through surfing the Net at home .this article is analyzing the design and realization of an online bookshop with Data Mining function, from the views of theory and practice. Starting with introducing concepts and techniques of OOA and OOP in detail, especially introducing the knowledge which apply for this system, such as the feature and flow of OOA and OOP; analyzing the feature、structure and using of developing techniques ASP.NET and ADO.NET which using in my system. And then, this article analyses the feasibility of the system, then minutely layouts the design thoughts, goals and the system holistic framework. At last, this article minutely explains the design and realization of Web page layout, data base and application program of our system. This online bookstore system uses ASP.NET technology to realize on Visual Studio.Net plat. Its main function has manage users, new books on sale, look for classified books, search books, collect favorite book, process of purchase, sales list, the comment of the books, websites management, etc. During the course of writing this article, I strive to integrate theory and practice. While expatiating the different kind of theories, I illuminate the application and operation skill combining the system so as to fully incarnate the application of these theories and techniques to


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