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Unit 1Helloagain Page 2(第2页)1.Listen and point. STELLA Hello againWere the Star family.Im Stella Star and Im eight.This is my brother, Simon.Hes seven, and this is my sister, Suzy.Shes four. SIMON This is my grandmother.Shes Grandma Star. GRANDMA Hello. SIMON This is my grandfather.Hes Grandpa Star. SIMON Grandpa, say hello. GRANDPA OhHello, everybody. MRS STAR And were Mr and Mrs Star. SIMON Whats your nameHow old are you Page 3(第3页)3.Listen and answer. TREVOR Hello.Im Trevor. Look at number four.Whos he Look at number one.Whos she Look at number eight.Whos he Look at number three.Whos she Look at number six.Whos she Look at number two.Whos he Look at number nine.Whos she Look at number ten.Whos he Look at number five.Whos she Look at number seven.Whos he Page 7(第7页)12.Listen and say the number. MONTY Whats this, TrevorP-u-r-p-l-e. ALL FOUR TOYS a, b, c, d, e, f, g, ... MARIE Are pencils your favorite food, Trevor MASKMAN I know.Its blue.My cars blue.Look MONTY I know.Thats four.Here are four pencilsMy turn. TREVOR Er ...Whats thisT-h-r-e-e. 歌曲观赏1Hi, Hello, how are you Hi, Hello, how are you Im fine. Im fine. I have a dog. This is my dog. How are youWoof Woof How are you Hi, Hello, how are you Im fine. Im fine. I have a cat. This is my cat. How are youMeow How are you Hi, Hello, how are you Im fine. Im fine. I have a bird. This is my bird. How are youTweetTweetHow are you 歌曲观赏2One, two, three, four, five One, one, there is one sun. Two, two, there are two shoes. Three, three, there are three trees. Four, four, there are four doors. Five, five, there are five knives. One, two, three, four, five. Unit2Back to school Page 8(第8页)1.Listen and point. STELLA Hello, Alex.Hello, Lenny.How are you ALEX AND LENNY Fine, thanks. MEERA Is this your classroom, Simon SIMON Yes. MEERA Whos that on the board SIMON Thats my favorite toy, Maskman. Look at my Maskman ruler. LENNY Thats nice.My rulers on my desk. STELLA Are your school books in the bookcase SIMON No, theyre in the cupboard.Our teachers here now. STELLA AND MEERA Oops. Page 10(第10页)6.Listen, point and repeat. Theres a long pink ruler on her desk. There are a lot of books in the bookcase. Theres a big whiteboard on the wall. Theres a computer in the classroom, but there isnt a television. Page 13(第13页)12.Listen and say yes or no. MARIE OK, everybody.This book is for school. Lets look. MASKMAN Yes, there is.Its a Maskman ruler. MONTY Look, Marie.Heres a pencil. MARIE GoodThank you, Trevor. MASKMAN There are 9, 10, 11 pencils. TREVOR Sorry.Here you are.Erasersaremy favorite food. 歌曲观赏 What‘s thisGuessWhat‘s thisGuess A penA book A pencil box Yes What’s that Guess What’s that Guess A desk A


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