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剑桥少儿英语二级A期末考试卷 学员姓名 考试时间 任课老师 家长签字 成果 试卷分析 Listening 一、Listen and choose 1 There is a bike. The bike is____. A. mine B. hers 2 There is a school. The school is____. A. theirs B. ours 3 There is a star. The star is_____. A. hers B. his 4 There is a room. The room is_____. A. mine B. theirs 二、Listen and write. 1.________ 2._________ 3._________ 4.__________ 5.___________ 6.________ 7._________ 8._________ 9.__________ 10.__________ 三、Listen, read and put a tick“√”or a cross “ X ” 1 A Where’s the caf B Next to the shop. 2 A Where’s the hospital B Opposite the flower shop 3 A Where’s the river B In the park. 4 A Where’s the bus station B On Back Road. 四、Listen and fill in the blanks 1 You _____ drop litter in the park. 2 You must ______ in the pool. 3 The tiger is _____ than the giraffe. 4 The turtle is _____ than the rabbit. Writing 五、Look and write. A. Example big → bigger → the biggest 1. hot →_________ → ____________ 2.thin →_________ → ______________ 3. fat →_________ → ______________ 4.old → _________ → ______________ 5. easy →_________ → ______________ 6.cold →_________ → ______________ 7. happy →_________ → ______________8.strong → _________ → ___________ 9. young →_________ → ______________ 10.clean →_________ → ____________ 六、Multiple choices. 1. What does Bob like doing He likes ______ picture books. A. read B. reading C. reads 2. _________ are you I’m 137cm . A.How many B. How tall C. How long 3. Whose book is this I think its __________. A. she B. my C. his 4. Do you often play tennis __________ A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I can. C. Yes, I am. 5. Jack is as _______as Bill. A. taller B. the tallest C. tall 6. Has your school got a swimming pool Yes, it ______ . A. is B. has C. does 7. The panda is strong. But the tiger is ________ than the panda. A. strong B. stronger C. strongest 8. The sheep is big. The tiger is bigger. The elephant is the _______ of the three. A. big B. bigger C. biggest 9. How about _________ I’d love to. A.sing and dance B. singing and dance C. singing and dancing 10. Can you swim in a pool No, I _______. A. can B. cant C. dont 七、Look and write e.g. 152km one hundred and fifty-two kilometers 1269km one thousand, two hundred and sixty-nine kilometers 1999km _______________________________________________ 2327km _______________________________________________ 31136km _______________________________________________ 48572km _______________________________________________ 八、Make sentences. Eg Tom, Tim, Ted, fat Tom is fat.


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