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剑桥少儿英语老师课堂用语 课堂步骤 课堂英语组织 中文 问候/热身 1) Let’s begin our class, OK 2) Let’s start our class. 3) Let’s start now. 4) Hello, boys and girls. 5) Good morning / afternoon / evening every one 6) How are you today 7) What day is it today 8) What’s the weather like today 9) What’s the weather like today 10) Stand up, please. 11) Sit down, please. 12) Let’s warm up. 13) Are you ready 14) Do you want to sing a song 15) Do you want to play a chant 16) Please look at me and listen to me carefully. 17) I’ll teach you sentence by sentence. 18) Let’s do it together, OK 让我们起先上课,好吗 让我们起先上课吧。 让我们起先吧。 大家好。 早上好/下午好/晚上好。 你们好吗 今日星期几 今日天气怎样 今日几月几号 请起立。 请坐下。 让我们一起热身活动。 打算好了吗 你们想唱去歌吗 你们想来个律动吗 请看着并且细致听我说。 我会一句一句地教你们。 让我们一起来吧。 考勤 / 点名 1 Is everyone here 2 Is anybody absent 3 When I call your name, please say “Yes”. 4 Who’s absent/Who’s away 5 Don’t be late next time. 6 Try to be on time. 7 Go back to your seat, please. 每个人都在这儿吗 有人缺席吗 当我叫到你的名字时,请回答“Yes” 有谁今日缺勤了 下次别迟到了。 下次准时点儿。 请回到你的座位上。 复习 1 What did we learn in the last lesson 2 Let’s review. 3 Who can tell me what we did in the last lesson 我们上节课学了什么呢 让我们复习。 谁能告知我上节课学了什么 新课引入 1 I’ll teach some new oral English. 2 We’ll going to do something new. 3 Let’s learn a new story. 4 We’ll study some new words. 5 Let’s study a new song/a new chant. 6 Let’s begin./Let’s start. 7 Read after me. 8 Follow me, please. 我会教你们一些新口语。 我们将学习一些新东西。 让我们一起学习一个新故事。 我们将学习一些新单词。 让我们学习一首新歌。 让我们起先吧 请跟我读。 请跟我读。/ 请跟我做。 提示 / 留意 1 Are you clear 2 Who wants to try 3 Do you understand 4 Have you got it 5 Is that clear 6 Listen carefully, please. 7 Look carefully, please. 8 Pay attention to this card. 9 Please look at the blackboard. 清晰了吗 谁想试试 你们明白了吗 你们清晰了吗 清晰吗 请细致听。 请细致看。 请留意看这张卡片。 请看黑板。 嬉戏活动 1 Let’s have some fun. 2 Let’s play a game. 3 All together./ Everybody togerher. 4 In pairs, please. 5 Let’s do it one by one. 6 It’s your turn. 7 Next , please. 8 Who wants to be the bad queen 9 Let’s practice the dialogue. 10 I’ll divide you into 2 groups. You are team A,you are team B. 11 Now Lily will be Snow White, Tom will be 12 Now group one is A, group 2 is B. 13 Stand in lines. 14 Turn around, please. 15 Whose turn is it 16 Who is the winner 17 Who is the loser 18 Let’s count how many stars. 19 Let’s make a circle. 20 Let’s line up. 21 Please say it in English. 22 What’s the Chinese for “desk” 23 Who can tell me 24 Paper, stone, scissors 25 Yes or No 26 Please to the music. 27 Hands up./Hands down. 28 Who can answer my question 29 Please read it one by one. 30 Anyone else 31 In English, please. 32 Come and write it on the blackboard. 33 Open your book and turn to page at 47. 34 Please take out your book. 35 Please read the letter/ word/ sentence loudly. 让我们玩个嬉戏。 让我们玩个嬉戏。 大家一起来。 组成一对。 一个一个来。 到你了。 下一个。 谁想当坏皇后 让我们一起练习一下对话。 我会把你们分


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