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1. Look at the pictures and write the missing letters. __ras__ __ pencil-c__se r__ler b__g b__ __k b__t v__n h__ __se c__ __ d__ck penc__l r__bb__t fr__g t__ __tle liz__ __d p__n ch__ck__n 2. Simple choice. _____1 --Hello, your name, please --__________. A. I am Sam B. Hello C. Nice to see you _____2 This ___ my new book. A. is B. are C. am _____3 --Good morning, Sam --__________. A. Good afternoon B. Good morning C. Good evening _____4 --Hi, this is my friend, Bill. --__________. A. I am here B. That’s great C. Nice to see you _____5 --Hello, this is our new friend. His name is Alex. --__________. A. He’s nice B. That’s fine C. Nice to see you _____6 My friends _____ your friends. A. is B. are C. am _____7 _____ friends are her friends. A. He’s B. His C. He _____8 Our friends are _____ friends. A. their B. there C. they’re _____9 --What’s this Mr. Li --_____ a goat. A. It’s B. Is C. It _____10 --Who wants to try -- __________. A. Let me try B. Let’s go C. It’s a cat 3. Listen, number and match. Cow duck cat chicken dog lizard fish goat sheep □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ 剑桥一级上 第3, 4单元测试 1. Look at the pictures and write the missing letters. b__n__n__ p__ __r or__nge pine______ waterm__l__n gr__pes m__ng__ p__ __ch l__m__n cl__ __k t__ __tle er__ser b__g liz__ __ d c__ __ h__ t d__g b__ __ d 4. Simple choice. 50 / 50 _____11 –What would you_____, sir --I want some bananas. A. like B. want C. buy _____12 --What would you like, Miss --I want some ________. A. coconut B. coconuts C. grapefruit _____13 ______ apple a day keeps the doctor away. A. An B. A C. The _____14 –How many ______ would you like -- I’d like one, please. A. apple B. apples C. pineapple _____15 I like to eat _________ and __________. A. apple, banana B. apples, bananas _____16 --Would you like ____ orange --Yes, please. A. an B. a C. / _____17 –What’s your favourite fruit --I like _______. A. banana B. bananas _____18 I don’t like bananas, but I like ________. A. peach B. peachs C. peaches _____19 --What’s in my hat --Two _____ and three ______. A. car, pen B. cars, pens _____20 –What’s in my hand -- It’s ___ eraser. A. an B. a C. / 5. Listen and tick. Which one sounds different □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ 6. Listen and write. This is a big __________. You can __________ many toys in it. You


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