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GUILIN UNIVERSITY OF ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY 课程设计(论文)说明书 题 目谱分析算法仿真及DSP实现 院(系) 专 业 学生姓名 学 号 指导教师 职 称 2011年12月10日 本文是基于软件无线电平台的信号谱估计系统的设计,目的是将接受到的信号预处 理,方便将来提取信号的特征值。而且本设计前瞻性地采用了基于模型的设计方法,最 大限度的减少了手工编写代码的工作量,尽量将精力集中于算法的实现上,整个设计从 模型的建立到代码的生成都有详细的说明,因此本文对于想利用模型设计来生成代码的 人来说具有非常大的借鉴意义。 随着多体制通信互联和软件无线电的发展,通信信号的处理和调制识别逐渐成为了 一个非常重要的课题。为了将信号的特征值剥离出来,非常有必要对信号进行功率谱分 析和时频谱分析。功率谱分析是在频域上对信号进行分析,但由于积分的作用,会丢失 时域的特征,其结果为一段信号在频域上整体的刻画,而进行时频谱分析不仅能对信号 进行时域上的分析,还能在频域上进行分析,为提取信号特征值,信号的识别提供有力 的分析依据。 本设计第一步先手动编写涉及硬件的代码,使其能够将数据通过EDMA快速搬移到 DSP的内部RAM中,而后的算法部分,如快速傅里叶变换,功率谱分析等一系列算法则 通过在Mat lab里仿真,当验证模型的正确性后就将其优化并生成CCS编译器能用的归 档库,而后在手工编写的代码中调用该子函数,完成了整个系统的设计。最后将DSP运 算的结果和Matlab的仿真结果进行比较,发现两者之间的误差非常小,可以达到所需 的要求。 关键词EDMA;快速傅里叶变换;功率谱;代码生成 Abstract This article describes a design of the signal spectrum estimation system based on the soft design radio, the goal is to pretreat the receiving signal, and to facilitate the extraction of signal characteristic value in the future. Moreover this design forward-looking uses the model design , reduces the manual compilation code work at maximum limit, and concentrates on algorithm realization as far as possible, the entire design provide detaile from the model establishment to the code production, therefore this article is usefull to those who want to generate code using the model. With the development of the multi-institutional communication interconnection and the software radio, communication signal processing and the modulation recognition has become a very important topic gradually. For extracting the signal characteristic value, it is necessary to analyse the signal power spectrum and the time domain spectral. The power spectrum analysis of the signal is in the frequency domain, but as a result of the integral function, it will lose the characteristic of time domain, this results for a signal s characters in the whole frequency domain, and the time-frequency spectrum analysis can not only in the time domain analysis, but also in the frequency domain analysis, in order to extract the signal feature values, a strong signal of the identification of analytical basis. The first step of the design of the hardware involved in writing the code manually to enable them to quickly move the data to the DSP internal RAM through the EDMA, then the algorithm part, such as fast Fourier trans, power spectrum analysis and a series of algorithms is by Matlab in the simulation verify the correctness of the model as its optimization and after the CCS compiler can generate an archive library, and then manually write the code in the subroutine call to complete the entire system. Finally, the results of DSP operations and Matlab simulation results were compared and found that the error between the two is very small, the requirements can be achieved. Keyword EDMA;FFT;PSD;Code generation 引言1 1概述2 1.1任务2 1.2内容2 1.3相关研究情况2 1.4完成的工作2 2 DSP技术及应用2 2.1 DSP技术综述2 2.2 DSP软件设计方法的变革3 2.2. 1汇编语言编程4 2. 2. 2 C


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